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Showing posts with label Blue Angel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blue Angel. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Wednesday Snippet 338: Blue Angel

Welcome to a new part of Blue Angel unedited, we start right where we left off last week.

 This week,  we are following Kelpie and Jezabel.

“And angels don't have blue wings and angels don't fall in the Fairy World,” Kelpie answered getting annoyed. “No, you have to realised that things are different and that you are different and do what I say. Just lay down.”

He was getting tired of it. People pretending things were something they were not.

“What if I don't want to? What if I don't want things to be different?” Jezabel said sobbing.

“You have no choice, it's too late to put your head in a hole like an ostrich, you should have pretended your wings were white and tell everyone they were nuts for seeing them otherwise, that might have worked,” he said.

“Why? They could obviously see that they are blue that wouldn't have helped,” she answered.

“Exactly my point, unless you take a straight look at reality, it won't help,” Kelpie said.

“So what am I supposed to do?” Jezabel answered sobbing in her hands.

“How long have you been praying and asking for you wings to turn white again? How long have you been curing people and pretended to be the perfect angel?” Kelpie asked turning around with a cold wet towel.

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Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Wednesday Snippet 337: Blue Angel

Welcome to a new part of Blue Angel unedited, we start right where we left off last week.

 This week,  we are following Kelpie and Jezabel.

“What?” Kelpie turned around to look at her, her wings were darker blue than ever.

She put herself on her feet and took a step away from the table then another before her knee bent too much and she felt between the chairs. She tried to grab the leg of the table but her hand couldn't find it.

“Are you alright?” Kelpie said just in front of her.

“This can't be happening, my wings,” she said. Her face was filled with tears.

“That color is not the most important now,” Kelpie said trying to help her stand up.

“Yes it is,” she snapped at him.

He took a step back unprepared for that ton of voice coming from her.

“I'm sorry,” she said.

Kelpie helped her stand up and walked her to the bed. She wasn't all that cute and helpless after all and he needed to be careful with her. Girls could be so complicated.

“You have a fever,” he said.

“I can't have a fever, angels don't get sick,” she laughed.

“Well, you have a fever so I'll get you a cold towel,” he said walking away, “and lay down.”

“I don't have a fever, angels don't...” she started.

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Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Wednesday Snippet 336: Blue Angel

Welcome to a new part of Blue Angel unedited, we start right where we left off last week.

 This week,  we are following Kelpie and Jezabel.

Jezabel passed her hands on her ribs, as if remembering that's what she had been doing last.

“Yes, it was a bit painful,” she said.

“And of course you didn't ask if I wanted it and if it was the right time and you were totally knocked out out of it,” Kelpie muttered turning around and walking to the cupboard.

He needed some breakfast and was sure his grand-father had prepared more food than necessary in here. Just because he knew, even though he didn't believe that the future was already written. Kelpie yawned and decided not to try to figure out what his grand-father meant, at least for now. It was way too complicated, especially with an angel in the room.

“I need to pray,” Jezabel said. “So don't look back if it makes you angry again.”

“Whatever,” Kelpie answered making as much noise as possible looking for food.

She climbed out of the bed but her legs seemed not to support her. She took few steps forward and bumped into a chair and into the table. She pressed her hands flat on it trying to regain her balance, the room was turning all around her.

“This can't be happening,” she said.

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Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Wednesday Snippet 335: Blue Angel

Welcome to a new part of Blue Angel unedited, we start right where we left off last time.  


This week,  we are back with Kelpie and Jezabel.

Kelpie opened his eyes slowly and startled. Jezabel's face was almost laying on his shoulder, only few centimeters away from his face. He straightened himself up and clear his throat.

“Didn't any one told you not to startle people like this?” He said, standing up.

Jezabel almost lost balance and felt on the ground but managed to pulled herself back up in the bed.

“It's just, I have never seen anyone sleeping this way,” she said, “Don't you have bed at your place?”

Kelpie massaged his painful butt, spending the night sitting on the floor wasn't the first time but it was still as painful.

“Let me remind you, this is my place and you were using the bed,” Kelpie said.

Jezabel looked around like she was lost.

“How did we arrive here? And...” She grabbed the T-shirt Kelpie had fashionably arranged on her, “ what is this? Who?”

She started at Kelpie with her eyes wide open and he made him a bit uncomfortable. He hadn't thought about breaker her the news that he had seen her naked, he thought that it would be obvious.

“You were sick and felt asleep on the horse, that's why you don't remember anything,” he said trying to avoid the main question.

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Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Wednesday Snippet 334: Blue Angel

Welcome to a new part of Blue Angel unedited, we start right where we left off last time.  

 We are following Odeon and Torsti.

“Just hit the wall like you said you would,” Odeon said with a frown. He didn't feel so happy anymore. Torsti was just taking everything away.

“Mum is dead,” Torsti answered.

“You said it yourself, there was souls when you killed the hunters with robes, there were souls escaping from them,” Odeon said. “They are here, mum is here, I'm sure of it.”

“They are still dead, even if their souls are here, it doesn't mean there are here,” Torsti said, “plus I don't trust this place, no matter what's in, I don't trust it, it's creepy.”

“Just hit the freaking damn wall, or I'll do it myself,” Odeon said trying to get a hold on Torsti's hammer but he couldn't even move it from his brother's shoulder.

Torsti smirked in the dark.

“Just move away,” he said, “and when you get on the other side, prepare to be disappointed.”

And this is where we leave Odeon and Torsti for now. New adventure coming up next week.

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Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Wednesday Snippet 333: Blue Angel

Welcome to a new part of Blue Angel unedited, we start right where we left off last time.  


We are following Odeon and Torsti.

Odeon took a step back to push him with his butt.

“Come on bro, join the fun,” Odeon said.

Torsti couldn't believe his ears, join the fun? He was the one who normally acted reckless and Odeon was always trying to restrain him but this time he just felt like paralysed. Was Odeon really trying to get them killed?

“Here,” Odeon yelled.

Torsti couldn't figure out which direction his brother was pointing at and turned around. Odeon started to throw more and more fire balls which almost disappeared before hitting the wall. What was he expecting? Burning the rocks?

“Help me, we gotta go over there,” Odeon said.

“Then just freaking walk there and I'll hit whatever wall with my hammer but we gotta go out of here fast,” Torsti said grabbing his brother's arm to make him stop but Odeon didn't seem decided to stop wasting his time.

He started to move toward the point he had mentioned with Torsti's strong hand still holding his arm. It was difficult to walk now, the ground was even more uneven but Odeon knew exactly where he was going. He could hear it, despise the noise he had found it again, the humming like a song was calling him. It seemed extremely familiar. He finally stopped and put his hand on the wall.

“It's behind it,” he said smiling, he felt as if what he had been looking for all those years was finally his. “Just behind it.”

“What is?” Torsti asked. His brother's voice, his behavior, he wondered if a stalactite didn't fall across his face because he seemed a bit loony.

“Mum,” Odeon answered.

Torsti grabbed him by both shoulder forcing him to face him and shook him hard.

“That's not funny, I don't want to play your little games anymore,” he said.


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Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Wednesday Snippet 332: Blue Angel

Welcome to a new part of Blue Angel unedited, we start right where we left off last time.  

 We are following Odeon and Torsti.

“We are turning in circle,” Odeon said with another sighed. He turned around to face his brother and put his hands on his shoulders.

“I can't see where we're going so I can't really tell you if we are turning or not,” Torsti answered.

“Look, well, or don't look in his case,” Odeon said. “We stand back to back and we hit the walls until something happen.”

“Hit the wall with what?” Torsti asked.

It's not that he didn't want to hit something but he had the words buried alive turning in his head and that wasn't what he had planned for the day. Damn Lonan for getting captured, this kid really needed to grow up faster.

“I don't know, with whatever you've got,” Odeon answered spinning him around and turning to be back to back with him.

“That's a very bad idea, that's the worse idea you've ever had,” Torsti said.

“No, the worse is what caused Lonan to be taken away and us to be here in the first place, remember,” Odeon said.

“It can still get worse,” Torsti answered.

“Not likely,” Odeon said. “I'll count up to three.”

“Oh yeah,” Torsti said with a sigh, there was no way to stop his brother now, he had no choice but to follow because he couldn't see in the dark.

“One,” Odeon said. “Two.” He took a deep breath.

“Wait,” Torsti said but it was too late already.

“Three,” Odeon started and the entire cave started to shake just like their house would have when Odeon was mad except that this time the ceiling was a lot more decided to fall down on them. The stalactite might have been going down the rocky ceiling for a while but they were now falling like needles all around them making an incredible noise. Torsti was still trying to pierce the darkness, trying to see what was going to fall on him but there was no way. Odeon was firing so well that Torsti didn't even move until Odeon started to yell at him that he couldn't do it on his own.

“Do what? The entire place is falling apart and I'm just glad I'm alive,” Torsti yelled trying to cover the sound of the rocks and gravel falling around them.

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Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Wednesday Snippet 331: Blue Angel

Welcome to a new part of Blue Angel unedited, we start right where we left off last time.  

 We are following Odeon and Torsti.

“It's a girl, right? I'm not dreaming,” Torsti finally whispered really low as if he was afraid to scare the voice away.

“Yes but I can't figure out where it comes from,” Odeon said.

Torsti massaged his shoulder.

“Just relax bro, and concentrate.”

Odeon found it funny how Torsti wasn't going to try anything but was totally relying on him. It wasn't usual. It hadn't happen after Lonan was born, when Torsti too had become an older brother.

“It stopped,” Torsti said pulling on Odeon's shirt.

“Yeah, I know,” Odeon said. “Just don't make noises and let's keep moving.”

He sighed as if he was really starting to get annoyed. Odeon was the most patient of the three. Torsti was trying to follow his example but most of the time Lonan was being just a pain moving as if he had energy for four of him in one single body that Torsti really wanted to yell or hit something. When it was getting really too bad he would go in the forest with his hammer and smash rocks until there were just sand. Odeon would just sit and read or talk calmly to Lonan to make him stop. Lonan always needed a lot of things to do and he would get bored with them very easily. He would never finish anything and that tended to drive Torsti nuts. So having Odeon sighed this way was definitely not a good sign. When Odeon was getting tired of something, it was the entire house shaking. Lonan would hide and stay still for a change which was rather helpful. But it was so unusual that it made Torsti feel uneasy. He wondered if Odeon wasn't starting to get stressed because he was just following the lead instead of trying to help. But that couldn't be helped. He didn't see a damn thing. A part of him wanted to ask if there was something he could do but the other part was scared of making things even worse.

Odeon stopped again without notice and Torsti bumped into him hurting his head on a stalactite at the same time.

“Let's throw it all we've got,” Odeon said.

“What? Are you mad, we are under-ground, this darkness is absorbing our fire so well that if I lit it, I can't even see my hand,” Torsti said. “We are just going to end up buried alive and I'm not that much of a digger.”

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Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Wednesday Snippet 330: Blue Angel

Welcome to a new part of Blue Angel unedited, we start right where we left off last time.  

 We are following Odeon and Torsti.

He tried to look past Odeon to see if there was really something in this direction but there was still no light what-so-ever. He wondered if it wasn't Odeon's imagination. He could only hear the water drop, somewhere close from the stalactite above him, he had to protect his head to make sure he wasn't hitting them. Odeon seemed just find, walking on the side when one was coming close. Torsti couldn't repress a laugh.

“What's so funny?” Odeon asked.

“I was just thinking, you're a bit like a bat,” Torsti said. “I think I should start call you Bateon.”

“And what should I call you then?” Odeon said shaking his head.

“No idea, but seriously, how do you know where we are going? How do you know that we are not going to fall in a hole at the next step?” Torsti asked.

“Oh, I didn't think about holes on the ground,” Odeon said. “I'll be careful now.”

It was Torsti's turn to shake his head. But it didn't really matter where they were going just now as long as it was taking them out. Torsti let a little bit more distance between him and his brother and made sure to secure every step. He closed his eyes just like Odeon had said but opened them again straight away. He couldn't let go of his eye sight even if there was only darkness around, it made him feel dizzy and weak. As if anything could arrive and attack him. He wondered how Odeon could stay so calm. The darkness was oppressing him. Odeon suddenly stopped without warming and Torsti bumped into him. He was about to ask what was the problem but refrained. There was a new sound, something like a humming it seemed that someone was singing.

Odeon turned around to look at his brother but he couldn't see his face, all he could was to feel his presence and his fist clenching a bit more at his shirt. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes once more to listen. It was difficult to hear where the sound was coming from in this cave, the echo made it like it was coming from everywhere all at once. He concentrated on the sound, trying to figure out in which direction it was stronger. He took a few steps to the left, then walked back to the right. He counted his step, making sure that he knew where he was. They had been walking for so long that he was afraid of getting lost. The place was really a maze and a dark one. He finally decided to continue in the direction he had chosen from the beginning, the light felt more and more intense even if he still couldn't see it.

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Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Wednesday Snippet 329: Blue Angel

Welcome to a new part of Blue Angel unedited, we start right where we left off last time.  



We are following Odeon and Torsti.


“Then I guess we only have one thing to do,” Odeon answered. He would have been happy to free the souls if that meant that he would have less troubles fighting against the hunters.

“I don't think it will be that easy, we will have to figure out this darkness and get rid of it first,” Torsti answered.

Once again he wondered if his parents were here. They had been killed by the Hunters and were prisoners of them, suffering even after their death.

“Let's get moving,” Odeon said.

He walked against the wall, feeling the ground on his feet before every step, probing the wall on this right side with his hand, the emptiness on the left side with his wings wondering how far the room extended. Testing the ceiling above his head with his left hand.

“I think I got it,” he said.

“Got what?” Torsti answered.

“There is some light over there,” Odeon said.

Torsti looked around everywhere but without success.

“I still can't see a damn thing and I thought your eyes were closed,” he said.

Odeon walked away from the wall confidently.

“Wait!” Torsti said trying not to fall without his marks.

“They are close, I told you it was better,” Odeon answered.

“So now you can see in the dark,” Torsti answered.

“I can't see in the dark, I can't see with my eyes closed either, just I can feel the light, I just know it's there, I don't need to be attached to my eyes and rely on them all the time, I'm alright,” Odeon said a bit annoyed. “Now if you could shut up and let me listen to what's around, that would help.”

“Sure,” Torsti answered.

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Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Wednesday Snippet 328: Blue Angel

Welcome to a new part of Blue Angel unedited, we start right where we left off last time.  



We are following Odeon and Torsti.


“Then let me get in the front and hold on to me,” Odeon said.

“How can you be so calm?” Torsti asked letting Odeon pass in front of him and placing his hammer on his shoulder before grabbing the back of his brother's shirt. He remembered doing it the same way on his father's shirt as a kid when they had been walking at night in the forest to get home. At that time, he had been scared by the noises of the night life waking up, the insects, the owls, the branches of indistinct trees cracking in the dark.

“When I dive into the Earth in meditation like earlier, it looks a lot like this at the beginning, before things start to become interesting,” Odeon said.

“Interesting like what?” Torsti asked really curious of what could be awaiting them.

Odeon pressed him suddenly against the wall a hand on his mouth.

“Hush, listen,” he said.

Torsti wondered how his brother could move so precisely in the darkness but he only nodded and Odeon removed his hand from his mouth. They listened. It seemed that someone was crying in the dark and that water was flowing. It actually sounded like a lot of people crying in. The echo was resonating on the walls and it was difficult to figure out where the crying was coming from. It seemed to be all around, it seemed to be endless. It was summarizing all the pain of the world. Torsti felt the oppression increasing against his chest.

“I heard his before,” he whispered to Odeon. “The first time I killed a hunter in the cave, when the souls seemed to be freed from him, before they said thank you and flew away, they were crying like this.”

“You mean, a lot of Hunters have been killed here,” Odeon said.

“No, I mean that we arrived at the place where they locked the souls and steal their energy and their magick,” Torsti said.

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Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Wednesday Snippet 327: Blue Angel

Welcome to a new part of Blue Angel unedited, we start right where we left off last time.  

 We are following Odeon and Torsti.

“But aren't you worried about this darkness? It's just so unnatural and oppressing,” Torsti replied. He didn't want to close his eyes, he wanted to see through the darkness to see something, anything, to beat it.

“It just mean that we are coming closer to Lonan and that this place is highly protected against intruders,” Odeon said.

“I'm not sure,” Torsti answered.

He was trying to progress in the cave as rapidly as he could, he wanted to be out of there as soon as possible. He was hitting his hammer in front of himself as if he was sweeping the floor, just in case someone had been there. The hammer was resonating against the wall and his free hand was caressing the hard stone surface above his head.

“Do you think they can see in the dark?” He asked.

“Do you want me to walk in front of you?” Odeon answered.

Torsti took a deep breath, he needed to stop being ridiculous but the darkness absorbing his fire was worrying him a little because even with his hammer hitting the wall of the cave from time too time, it wasn't even seeing the lightening that should have got out of it, it was as if all magic had been banned from this place at the same time as light.

“I'm just wondering, how is it possible to create something his dark, if it absorbs the fire can it also absorb us?”

“I don't know, do you feel absorbed?” Odeon asked.

“I don't see where I'm going, I could just fall forever or be taken away by anything,” Torsti said, “I feel like it's absorbing all my confidence at least, I had never been scared of the dark before, I left that for Lonan.”


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Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Wednesday Snippet 326: Blue Angel

Welcome to a new part of Blue Angel unedited, we start right where we left off last time.  


We are following Odeon and Torsti.

“I can't see a damn thing, it's pitch dark and my fire is getting absorbed,” Torsti said a bit too loudly and the echo of his voice traveled in the cavern.

“Can we stand up yet?” Odeon answered.

“I don't know,” Torsti answered passing his hand on the wall and going up. “Maybe, be careful with your head and touch were you're going.”

“That's a new one,” Odeon answered.

He close this eyes, it wasn't making any difference really but he felt like his other senses would take over a lot more easily if he obviously wasn't trying to rely on his eyes anymore.

“Outch,” Torsti said.


“I just kicked my hammer,” Torsti answered jumping on one foot and holding his other.

He was making strange noise and Odeon found it highly comical.

“And you were the one telling me to be careful,” Odeon said.

“I'm worried,” Torsti answered.

“Close your eyes,” Odeon replied.

“What does it has to do with my being worried?” Torsti answered.

“You can't see a thing, accept it already so that you can start touching and hearing stuff,” Odeon said. “It will be easier.”


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Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Wednesday Snippet 325: Blue Angel

Welcome to a new part of Blue Angel unedited, we start right where we left off last time.  

We are back at the house.

“I'm still your brother, and this house...” he said looking at the large house behind her, “There are people in there who can be your friends too, if you just want to give it a try.”

“The humans?”

“Humans, wizard, fairy, vampires, there is a fox too,” Seti said with a smile appearing on his lips.

“A fox?”

“Yeah, a fox but you're lucky it's asleep because it's a pain really,” Seti said.

“A fox!” Samira repeated. “Are you trying to make fun of me?”

“I wouldn't dare, really,” Seti said dropping his hand but Samira caught him by the sleeve.

“Is it really sure that you don't make anyone disappear?” she asked.

“I can control my powers just fine now, it's a long story too but in short, Sahel burned the part of me that made my powers unstable and it's over now, I mean, I'm just me,” Seti said.

“You'll have to tell me all about it,” Samira said.

“First let's go back, I know someone who might be a little worried,” Seti said.

“She seems sweet,” Samira said.

“You don't mean it,” Seti answered.

“Of course I mean it,” Samira said.

“I know you're still stuck with why the hell is he not dating a Watcher but that too will pass,” Seti said.

“I'm not, I swear I'm not just... the powder in the hair, that's weird you'll be covered when you, if you... you know...” Samira blushed said making Seti laugh.

We are leaving Samira and Seti for now, next week, we will be following someone else in a different location.

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Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Wednesday Snippet 324: Blue Angel

Welcome to a new part of Blue Angel unedited, we start right where we left off last time. 

We are back at the house.


“You never told me,” Samira said.

“Because the first time I touched you after that, you started crying that I was hurting you and it took days to calm you down,” Seti said looking away.

“I don't remember that,” Samira said.

“You were really little at the time but I remember because you were the only person I counted on,” Seti said turning around.

“I'm sorry,” Samira said. Seti started to turn around to look at her but she continued. “The only think I remember is how everyone made fun of me for being your sister. How they were scared that I could do the same thing and if they weren't, they were too scared that you might come after them to be my friends. Taram and Torin were and still are the only friends I have. The others only know me without knowing anything about my family because of what you did.”

“I didn't know about that, you never told me,” Seti said.

“And what would you have done? Kick their ass for being mean to me, or scared them into being my friend just like you tried to scare Taram's father into reconsidering the wedding?”

“I don't know, but I could have been your friend,” Seti said. “I was lonely too.”

He extended his hand to her, he wasn't going to touch her but if she wanted too, she could touch him.

“Is this an invitation?” Samira asked.

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Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Wednesday Snippet 323: Blue Angel

Welcome to a new part of Blue Angel unedited, we start right where we left off last time.  

We are back at the house.

“Did you tell them?” She asked.

“No, it's Azazel who has to deal with Eva, they are good for each other,” Seti answered.

“No, I mean, did you tell them that killing the Mephil was an accident?”

“Of course I did!” Seti said amazed that she was still at that.

“Then why did everyone say that you wanted to kill it because you have some kind of Chaos problem that you can't control and that makes you nasty and that you would make anyone touching you disappear?”

“Because I was five and what I had to say didn't matter,” Seti said.

“I don't think so, if you had told mum and dad they would...” Samira said.

“You think I enjoyed it, being different, being cast out, not sleeping in the same hammock as you anymore, taking showers alone even if I was either freezing or burning myself, being beaten up by kids with broom stick because they couldn't touch with their fists because I was a monster but they still could with the wood pieces and stones, and that if I made anything disappear again I would prove them right,” Seti said.

He was starting to get angry too, she had nothing to complain about, she was their parents baby doll, the perfect child.

“So why didn't you tell anyone?” Samira asked

“Because no matter how many times I yelled it, nobody ever freaking listen,” Seti yelled, “because they were all too scared, and you should be aware of it, because you were too scared too and you are still too scared right now. Or are you going to let reality slap you in the face and realized that you were as wrong as them all along?”

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Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Wednesday Snippet 322: Blue Angel

Welcome to a new part of Blue Angel unedited, we start right where we left off last time.  

We are back at the house.

He turned around to look at his sister, she was looking at the house with curiosity, just like he had long time ago before being allowed in, even before he had met Sahel or talked to Kallisto. There was something magic about the place.

“So you are telling me that you didn't kill the Mephil and that you didn't try to kill Taram's father?”

“No, I did.”

“Ah!” she said looking at him straight with what-did-I-tell-you written all over her face.

“I mean, I did kill the Mephil but that was accidental, it bite me and I lost control,” Seti said.

“Really? And for Taram's dad, you lost control too?”

“No, but I didn't try to kill him, I just wanted to scare him. He always cancel the wedding because he thinks he is the strongest because he has money. I wanted to show him that I was in control so that he had to stop taking it on you all the time. And it worked he will never step against me alone,” Seti said.

“Yeah but he still tried to come and get me and you didn't bunch,” Samira said.

“Sahel told me to get out of here because I was recognizable and they would have come after me if I was to try to get to you,” Seti said. “And Evalynn's dad was here too and that made her pretty unable to do anything.”

“Why is that?” Samira answered as if she doubt that any demon could be scared of her own father.

“He took her away from her mum when he discovered her mum was a Nephilim and he beat her up every time she accidentally transforms. I think at time she still believe that she is a monster because she is not a Watcher,” Seti said.

Samira bite her lips. She wasn't expecting that. It was really easy to avoid being punished by her parents.

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