Hello mystery lovers and welcome to a new Mystery Monday.
I hope you had a great week-end. Here is a new little part of Murder at the Conference. Murder at the Conference is a stand alone sequel to Harajuku Kiss.
We start right were we left off last week:
I remembered her immediately and felt reassured that we were at the right place, with the right people. Anna Dubrevich from Serbia was probably close to sixty years old, bone skinny with a face filled with life wrinkles and appearing so thin that it seemed she could get out of it any minutes, school teacher type of glasses on her nose and a white bun to attach her hair. She didn't look like a physicist, but more like one of the little old lady you could encounter at the knitting groups, talking about their grandchildren and their cats incessantly and always knitting scarves or socks. But I would have to beg you to different. This lady knew how to light a match with a nedium-yag laser and she had been the one teaching me just that to piss off my experimental instructor at that time.
I came from an experimental physics master. Not because I ever wanted to be and experimenter, at least not after I had a taste of it at least, but because that particular master also contained all the quality to learn about every specific fields of atomic and molecular physics.
You can now find all the Snippets of Murder at the Conference on this blog all together right here.
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