Welcome to my page!
I always want to do as many outstanding things as possible.
That can be about Traveling all around the world... about Creating amigurumis... about Learning new languages... about my work in Atomic Physics... and a lot of other stuff...
I'm sure you will find an interesting topic.
Please feel free to look at my articles and leave me your comments.
Welcome to my crazy world!
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
About learning : Screw the method
I guess the title says it all, I got a little tired about learning languages. Not that I don't want to learn, just that I want to learn so bad that I just don't. I think I lost myself trying to apply other people's methods that seemed to work for them and possibly other people around but kind of flop for me. Not because they are bad methods, I think more because I was just doing things wrong because that didn't really match with my personality.
I think instead of trying so hard to get something their ways without actually getting the full grasp of it because I'm obviously just myself and not them, I should have got back a little bit and reread (my own crap) the first few posts of the "About learning" section of this blog.
I did learn 3 languages to fluency without having to read about any method before starting-even though two of them are probably starting to fail me due to lack of use but let's overestimate myself like every one else seem to do- so what the hell is wrong with me right now and why the hell don't I speak Japanese after almost one year here.
I can already here people saying that it's ok and that I'm just being too hard on myself. Sorry but screw that too.
I think I just want to speak so perfectly that I got scared and don't speak at all. Fact number 1.
I'm just too much thinking about how people are looking at me. That's a hard one to admit but Fact number 2.
I'm underestimated myself quite a bit, and it's hard to stop. Fact number 3.
But let's face it no matter how bad things turns out for some reasons I don't understand I still have some people calling me a genius at least once a week, no matter how wrong it sounds to me.
Now let's be back to my own shoes or should I say use my super powers and see how it goes.
There is no right method to learn a language because the method should be adapted to the language itself and to the culture behind it and to the person learning it. That's how I learned English mostly reading and watching Hollyoaks. I learned German taking classes in the morning and watching anime in the afternoon with the kids. I learned Italian just for the love of art as my teacher said.
So I just have to figure out what fits with Japanese and Chinese and I think that's not going to be too difficult. I just have to stop trying and let it flow. Let's get to work!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Full House 곰 세 마리
곰세마리가 한집에있어
아빠곰 엄마곰 애기곰
아빠곰은 뚱뚱해
엄마곰은 날씬해
애기곰은 너무귀여워
히쭉히쭉 잘한다
곰세마리가 한집에있어
아빠곰 엄마곰 애기곰
아빠곰은 뚱뚱해
엄마곰은 날씬해
애기곰은 너무귀여워
히쭉히쭉 잘한다
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Spanish versus Korean

What I'm mostly doing is using pimsleur, (when I don't forgot) and reading from the travel blog ¿Donde andan estos?. At the beginning of course I tried to implement a Spanish environment by listening to Spanish music, watching movies in Spanish but as much as I wanted to do it, keeping the Spanish environment turned out to be more difficult than expected. Each time that I was starting to do something in Spanish, I wanted to do it in Korean instead.
Having my Korean environment on is something absolutely natural for me. I can switch it to Japanese without problem when I'm studying my kanjis or decide to watch Japanese cartoon. I also don't have that much problem to switch it to Chinese. But with the Spanish for some bizarre reasons, that completely different. I can watch a movie and listen to some music, without too much problems but after a while that becomes kind of painful and stressful. I think the reason is that I'm not that much into it.
Reading the blog in Spanish is easy. I'm not saying that I understand everything, I'm saying that with my background in French, Italian and Latin, understanding most of it is really easy. That should make me happy but at the contrary I find it extremely frustrating. The words are so close to the one I'm used to, the sentence structure as well, but I don't remember those words as Spanish words, I remember the translation. It's like my mind is translating everything all the time. I don't really feel that I'm learning something.
And now I realize how important that feeling is. That's probably what keep me going with the Korean environment and the kanji repetitions, that sense of achievement when I finally, (accidentally ?) understand a sentence or remember a kanji without struggling.
With the Spanish I didn't feel anything like that yet. Maybe I need to be more Spanish, to have more fun in Spanish. It's a bit of a conflict between something that I really like and enjoy, learning Korean, because I completely felt in love with that language sometimes ago for no particular reasons and Spanish that I'm learning a bit because I feel that I have too.
Getting ride of my Korean even for a short time to do some Spanish feels more like a core than like something really helpful.
I'll keep on trying, we'll see how it goes in the future.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
So annoyed by busy people

I mean people who says so often that they are "busy" or "don't have time to do such an such" when in fact if they really wanted to they could probably find the time to do much more.
Maybe it's gonna be better with examples :
" I would really like to speak an other language but I really don't have time at the moment I need to go shopping for food" (For the third time in a week)
"I want my kids to be smart but I can't look at their homeworks cause I'm so busy working"
"I really want to go to /the cinema with you/your party/do some sport/.../ but I need to do that work"
... You see what I mean.

I want to go somewhere, do something... I just do it, seems pretty simple.
According to the logic of the "busy" people : I'm not supposed to BECAUSE I should be busy too.
AND I should be busy working !!!! Not having fun !!!
If you're busy reading "Angel Sanctuary" during your holidays it doesn't count, if someone ask for something you have to do it cause he is not on holiday, he is busy he doesn't have as much time as you so, just help OK.
Who can pretend reading is a serious activity anyway.
No one will ever dare say to his boss, I'm sorry I didn't to this part of the work cause I was so busy watching Buffy killing vampires... Be realistic a bit !!!
But why not, that would be pretty cool indeed to let the business on fun stuff be as important as the business on serious stuff.
That is where things get very complicated...
I'm NEVER "busy", I tried, seriously, I tried !! It's very very difficult to be that busy !!!
I mean if I got a plan to go hiking for example and a lots of work to do, I'm just gonna manege to have the work done in advance or to delay it to a better time and I even plane the case when I can find something fun to do by accident. If I'm busy, and something unexpected come up, I stop and go back later to my "business".

There is just three reasons why people are "busier" than me :
The first one is that they are using the "busy" thing to get rid of something they don't want to do.
Example : I don't want to go to the cinema with you because the movie you choose is totally bad and I hate the main actor anyway. But instead of telling you no I don't want to, I'm going to pretend I'm busy, stay longer at work even if that mean procrastinating and finally really believe that I'm busy, so you're not gonna be disappointed.
Yeah yeah there is a lots of people like that we all know at least one....

Example : I want to do that but I'm afraid that people are gonna laugh at me if I fail or something... so I'm pretending to be busy at something else not to do it.
Most of the time they do that unconsciously, I think, I least I hope... that join a bit the cause of procrastination problem I discussed in an other post.
The third one in a question of priority :
My priority is the FUN !!!!
Wait a minute, I do every work on time, every boring daily(what ever) duty on time no problem !!
I just do it so that I can have as much fun as possible, that the thing I end up doing the most is having fun !!!
I can hear some people here : " Yeah, good for you, (but I'm not that organized, euh not that one), but I have important things to do, serious things to do, I'm working and I'm busy..."
Just the point here is I'm annoyed about people always tell me with a smile that I'm so great cause I do things that they can't do, like spending several hours on hobbies, because they are busy.
It's not me who have a problem with time, it's them, I don't have to feel guilty about not wasting my time with pretending to be busy when I'm not. They are just not honest with themselves.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Procrastination, fear of failure, fear of success

Of course we are in December and my thesis is due for September so no real problem here, no emergency. The main problem is I wanted to start writing for months and I felt really awful for not doing it and always say : "I will write it, tomorrow, next week, before Christmas, later..."
I spend lots of time telling myself that I was so lazy, that learning the kanjis with Heisig is so easy, that doing my exercises in Korean and read is so fun. What the hell is wrong with me ? Why can't I just sit down and do it ?
I am so lazy and so bad and ....
And that's the main problem... what I'm telling to myself is the problem.
To solve it I had to understand where that was coming from and the reason why I was procrastinating.

All my life, people have been expecting me to be smart, and bright and do every thing without any difficulties.
When I was doing something, if I wasn't good at it, I always get bad answer... "Why did you do that ? Why didn't you try harder ? You're so lazy... You can't do anything right..."
If I was doing something very well, it was never good enough...
When I was coming back from school proud of myself for having the best mark, the only answer I get was : "You still made a mistake to question 5, how comes you didn't know the answer"
Once I was performing for an exam and passed it well, I can still hear my mum say to me how good the other girl was compared to me.
Even now, I was scared of starting writing my thesis cause my supervisor told me that I'm not good at writing and that it's gonna be hard.
People are always expecting things from me, like some of my chinese friends who expect me to be able to write/read in Chinese.
But some very rare people don't, some are encouraging me, like my friend from Taiwan who is so impressed cause I can write my name in Chinese and my friends in Korea and Japan who encourage me each time I'm writing something in Japanese or Korean and some more... they know who they are anyway :)
Each time I was answering ; "That's nothing, everybody can do that, I should know more than that, I'm not working enough, I'm so bad".
But now I realized that that's not true, not everybody can do that, what I know today is great... I want to know more and I will (not I should already know more).

Thank you for never expecting me to be perfect and thank you for liking me exactly the way I am (even when I'm really weird and stupid) Thank you for getting worried when I'm not doing fine instead of telling me that there is no need to worry about anything because I'm just too smart to fail and have never problem with anything. I have problems with thing and I need to work hard to fix it like everybody else. So thanks you guys for really being my friend and not the friend of "the girl you think I should be" and being disappointed when I'm not.
So why exactly do I procrastinate ?
Because I'm afraid of doing something wrong. Because I'm afraid of not finishing what I start. Because if I delay the things to do I can always say that I didn't have enough time to do it properly. Because I'm afraid to be judge on my best work as if it was a judgment on myself.
Basically to protect myself.

I started to write two days ago, last Wednesday. I'm not afraid of what me supervisor will say when I'm gonna give him my first draft, because I'm gonna give it to him long before the dead line so after his comment I will have plenty of time to make it better.
I start learning the hiragana again, and if I'm not able to write and read them as fast as French and English it doesn't matter because it took me year to do that in French and English... why should it be different for other languages ?
I'm just human.
Now that I know all that... no matter what I do I'm gonna do just fine...
And you too are gonna do just fine :)
So just start, one small step at a time and keep on starting, the finish will take care of itself.
If you also have some problems you can try that book : The Now Habit: A Strategic Program for Overcoming Procrastination and Enjoying Guilt-Free Play
and read Khatzumoto's post.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
The Korean project, learning from lyrics : 눈의꽃 (Snowflower)

At the moment I'm watching "미안하다, 사랑한다" (I'm sorry I love you) with 임수정 who also plays in "싸이보그지만 괜찮아" (I'm a cyborg but that's ok) and 소지섭. This is the lyrics of song from the drama by 박효신 (Park Hyo Shin).
I find that song really beautiful.
어느새 길어진 그림자를 따라서
땅거미 진 어둠속을 그대와 걷고 있네요.
손을 마주 잡고 그 언제까지라도
함께 있는것만으로 눈물이 나는 걸요.
바람이 차가워지는만큼 겨울은 가까워 오네요
조금씩 이 거리 그 위로 그대를 보내야 했던
계절이 오네요.

지금 올해의 첫눈꽃을 바라보며
함께 있는 이 순간에 내 모든걸 당신께 주고 싶어
이런 가슴에 그댈 안아요.
약하기만 한 내가 아니에요 이렇게 그댈 사랑하는데
그저 내맘이 이럴뿐인거죠.
그대곁이라면 또 어떤일이라도
할 수 있을 것만 같아 그런 기분이 드네요.
오늘이 지나고 또 언제까지라도
우리 사랑 영원하길 기도하고 있어요.
바람이 나의 창을 흔들고 어두운 밤마저 깨우면
그대 아픈 기억 마저도 내가 다 지워줄게요.
환한 그 미소로
끝없이 내리는 새하얀 눈꽃들로
우리 걷던 이 거리가 어느새 변한것도 모르는체
환한 빛으로 물들어가요.

누군가 위해 난 살아 갔나요.
무엇이든 다 해주고 싶은
이런게 사랑인줄 배웠어요.
혹시 그대 있는곳 어딘지 알았다면
겨울밤 별이 돼 그대를 비췄을텐데.
웃던 날도 눈물에 젖었던 슬픈 밤에도
언제나 그 언제나 곁에 있을께요.
지금 올해의 첫눈꽃을 바라보며
함께 있는 이 순간을 내 모든걸 당신께 주고 싶어
이런 가슴에 그댈 안아요.
울지말아요 나를 바라봐요.
그저 그대의 곁에서 함께이고 싶은 맘 뿐이라고
다신 그댈 놓지 않을게요.
끝없이 내리며 우릴 감싸온
거리 가득한 눈꽃 속에서
그대와 내 가슴에 조금씩 작은 추억을 그리네요.
영원히 내 곁에 그대 있어요.
Here is the original Japanese version, enjoy.
Lyrics are from aheeyah.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
The Korean project : Read aloud

I think that the major problem is that I'm not use to speak basically.
The little voice I have in my head sound perfect but the words that go out of my mouth sound completely different due to lack of practice.
The first thing I though about to fix that problem is to read aloud, every single thing that your reading.
Here are some reasons for and against.
Here are all the good reasons not to read aloud :
- Reading aloud is slow, because you have to pronounce everything
- Reading aloud is boring especially because it is slow but also because you will probably have to read the word several time to get it correctly.
- You don't really know the rules of reading intonation except if you have a native speaker around
- If you have a lot of words to look up in the dictionary as well the time is even more increasing.
- If someone listen to you that's gonna be embarrassing
But you will feel so much better once you start to read aloud :
- First your pronunciation's skills are going to increase
- You will pay more attention to each word and so remember them better
- You are gonna start to feel speaking more natural especially if you're practicing daily
- You don't really need to understand everything all the time each time, you can practice aloud reading just for the sack o it and read several time the same thing until you understand.
- Each word that you read will become more and more familiar so that you will say them more easily each time.
It's all about being confident and feel natural and spontaneous when you will need to communicate. That go for each language I thing, each time I speak a language I'm not really use to speak it's a bit painful because my muscle are not use to the change of movement needed, but after a while it becomes alright. No need to rush, just practice !!!
Monday, August 4, 2008
The Korean project : Walking the rigth track
His French is really great and I hope to be able to speak Korean like that soon.
He wasn't listening all the time, only when he had the occasion so the intensive method I'm using must be a bit faster I guess.
It took him apparently 15 years to get that good, I don't really intend to wait that long.
But the main point here is, that the method works, listen, read, and you will get there.
Aja aja !! Fighting !!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
The Korean project, learning from lyrics : Before Sunrise

I really like their voices.
I don't know why this song always make me think about the movie "Natural City".
I also find it amazing that they change their hair all the time, that's pretty cool.

눈뜰 수 없는 아침이 오길 밤새 기도했지만
이제는 그대를 떠날 시간이 왔어요
나는 울고 있죠.........
지금 이 순간을 난 영원히 기억 속에 남겨둘게요
모둘 주고도 부족하다 말하는 그대 사랑처럼.......
제발 약속해요 나없이도 언제나
행복할 그대만을
힘들지 않도록 그대 잠든 꿈속에
난 이대로 떠나갈게요....

그대와 보낸 마지막 밤을 그리워할지 몰라
내 안에 그대의 깊은 향기가 떠올라
또 울지도 몰라.....
그대는 모르죠 난 어쩌면 잡아주길 바랬던 거죠
나의 욕심이 그댈 아프게 할까봐
나는 두려워요.....
그대의 흔들리는 작은 어깨를 예전처럼
안을 수 없는 날 부디 용서해......
고마워요 날 끝까지 지켜준
그대를 사랑해요
멀리에 있어도 그대 같은 추억가진
나란 걸 잊지말아요....
The lyrics are from aheeyah.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
The Korean project, learning from lyrics : 누난 너무 예뻐 (replay)

I found it on Xuxu's blog while visiting blogs randomly. When I say addicted is that I can listen to it more than 10 times in a row without any problems. My friends were laughing at me for listening the "replay" song.
So that why I want to share. Those kids are great, I really love that song.
I get a bit confused for the lyrics at the end because they all sing something different at the same time, if you find some mistake please let me know.
누난 너무 예뻐서
남자들이 가만안둬
흔들리는 그녀의 맘 사실 알고 있어
그녀에게 사랑은 한순간의 느낌일 뿐
뭐라 해도 나에겐 삻의 everything
아마 그녀는 어린 내가 부담스러운 가봐
날 바라 보는 눈빛이 말해주잖아
and I think I'm gonna hate it girl
끝이 다가 오는 걸
가슴이 말해준다 누가 뭐래도

그 그녀를 보는 나는
하 하지만 이젠 지쳐
replay replay replay
추 억이 내
맘을 할퀴어
아 아파서 이젠 맘을
다 다가올 이별에난
replay replay replay
누난 나의 MVP
부러움에 뿌듯 했지
늘 시선 집증 그녀와 함께 있는 난 so cool
제 발 이 손을 놓지 말자던
나의 다짐은
어느 순간부터 거짓인걸 알아
아마 그녀는 착한네가 별재미없었나봐
날 대하는 몸짓이 말하고 있잖아
and I think I'm gonna hate it girl.
끝이 다가 오는 걸
가슴이 소리친다 이별 앞에서

누난 너무 예뻐
그 그녀를 보는 나는 미쳐
하 하지만 이젠 지쳐
you make me wonder
make up, shake up, break up
추억이 내맘을 할 퀴어
아 앞에서 이젠 맘을 고처여
다다가올 이별엔 난
make up, shake up, break up
we need a replay.
아아아름다운 그녀는
아아아직 까지 누구와
진실된 사랑의 맛을 본적이 없는 게 분명해
아아아쉽게도 그녀는
아아아 직 어린 나여겐
진실 된 사랑의 마음을
받을 수 없는 지
누난 너무 예뻐
그 그녀를 보는 나는
하 하지만 이젠 지쳐
replay replay replay
I need a replay
추 억이 내
맘을 할퀴어
아 아파서 이젠 맘을
다 다가올 이별에난
baby I need you
replay replay replay
yeah again, yeah again
누난 너무 예뻐
if you wanna be mine
아파서슬 고쳐
replay replay replay
I love you girl
I want you girl
맘을 할퀴어
need a replay
and I want a replay
replay replay replay
누난 너무 예뻐
누난 예뻐
I keep thinkin' about you
누난 예뻐
I keep dreaming 'bout you
진실 된 사랑의 맛을 본적이
누난 너무 예뻐
I keep dreaming 'bout you
누난 예뻐
I keep dreaming 'bout you
진실 된 사랑의 마음을
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
The Korean project, thinking in a foreign language

I probably could have done it a bit earlier but I was lacking of confidence about complex sentences especially, so that probably why I can do it just now.
When you know several languages you can choose the one you want to think in.
For some people even if they already know more than one language that seems to be a crazy idea.
I heard people tell me : "It's impossible to choose that when you're thinking you're just thinking".
But that's a pretty illogical argument if it is an argument at all.
The fact is, I have been in an English speaking country for a while now.
I wanted to know English so much that I tried to avoided contact why to many French people.
Now the only person I'm speak French with, is my fiancé, and I got a lot of trouble to speak French with someone else, I always tent to start in English even in the first few days when I go back to France. But when I'm thinking (without choosing a language) I'm just mixing everything, using the words that reach my mind faster.

I just start thinking of something I know well, like the last Korean movie I've seen for example or what I could say to a Korean friend, and tell the sentence in my head in Korean.
Of course, I don't always have all the vocabulary I need but if I can find one word I just have to look for it in the dictionary later and the thinking process continues.
That's the only way to practice when you don't have native speaker friends around.
Try it, it's really a valuable way of learning.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
The Korean project, learning from lyrics : 태양을 피하는 방법

That's my favorite song from him so far, I haven't heard anything yet.
I'm trying to play it on my violin at the moment. That's sound a bit funny. Maybe because it's not supposed to be play by a violin, maybe because I'm not that good at playing anyway. Probably a bit of both.

환하게 비추는 태양이 싫어 태양이 싫어
누군가 날 알아보며 왜 우냐고 물어보면
대답을 해줄수없는게 너무 싫어
* 태양을 피하고 싶어서 아무리 달려봐도
태양은 계속 내 위에 있고
너를 너무 잊고 싶어서 아무리 애를써도
아무리 애를써도 넌 내안에 있어
2. 아직도 너의 그 미소 나를 만졌던 그 두손
그리워 하는게 너무 싫어서 너무 싫어서
많은 사람들속에서 웃고 얘길 나누면서
잊어보려 했지만 또 다시 눈물이 흘렀어
3. 모두다 내가 잊은줄 알아 하지만 난 미칠것같아
너무 잊고 싶은데 지우고 싶은데 그게 안돼

너무 깊히 다쳐 나을 수 없는 상처같이
너라는 사람 도무지 지워지질 않지
헤어져도 같이 살아가는 것 같지
눈물로 너를 다 흘려서 지워
버릴수만 있다면야
끝없이 울어 내 눈물 강을 이뤄
흐를 정도로 많이 울어서라도
너를 잊고 제대로 살고 싶어
The lyrics are from aheeyah.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
The Korean project, learning from lyrics : the condition of my heart

That's what make me discover the band. I spend days listening to this song, that's so romantic.
There are still part in English, I'm not doing it on purpose I promise.
Next one will be 100% Korean.

내게 물어오는 그대의 전화에 나는 잘 있다고 말을 했지만
기억을 잊는 건 너무 힘들어
How I cried 날 떠나던 그 날밤
그대 있는 세상에 내가 없길 원해도
이렇게 남아 그 이별에 무너져 날 버리지 않아요.
자유로운 나를
You underestimate the condition of my heart.
그대만이 삶의 전부였을 때 모든 사랑 전해 줄 수 있었죠
(언젠가는) 언젠가 나의 곁에 와줄거라 믿었죠
하지만 이젠 더는 그럴 수 없다는 걸 그대는 아나요.
나 홀로 남겨두면
*When I cried 날 떠나던 그 날 밤
그대 있는 세상에 내가 없길 원해도
나 여기에 남아 그 이별에 무너져 날 버리지 않아요.
자유로운 나를
You underestimate the condition of my heart.
그대가 하고 싶은 말들이 내 앞에 펼쳐지는 그 순간
예감했었던 이별 (I don't wanna cry again)
마음을 바꿔도 그대가 잃은 건 이미 늦어버린 멀어진 지난 날
그대가 날 원해도
* repeat
The lyrics also comes from aheeyah

Sunday, June 29, 2008
The Korean project, learning from lyrics : One love

Normally I don't really like rap but if it's in Korean it's ok. That makes one of my friend laugh at me all the time cause he say that as lot as it's Korean everything will be OK for me... maybe he is right, I don't know. I just like the sound of the Korean language, even if it's rap it still sound great.
There still is a bit of cheating here, because of the English. I mean that way people not interested in Korean can appreciate it as well, I don't know.
I especially like the Chorus, maybe because it's the no-rapping part.
Since The First Day We Met, Through All The Times We Had,
I Thank God That I Found you...
Verse 1. 테디 너를 처음 만난 건 어느 추운 겨울날
무너질 듯이 외롭고 너무도 힘겨운 날 하얀 미소로 내게 다가와
따스히 감싸줬어 날아갈 듯이 행복해진 나 마치 어제처럼 기억이 나
그때 나 내 자신에게 수없이도 수백번이고 되새기며 말을 했어
아름다운 널 후회하지 않게 하기로 비록 세상이 그댈 힘들게 하더라도
모든게 뜻대로 가지 않다 하더라도 소중한 그대여 절대 잊지마오
여기 나 언제나 그대 것이라오
Chorus (이젠 너의) 그 눈물 가누며 (따스하게) 너를 감싸 안을게
(네게 줄게) 모든 걸 다 바쳐 (너를 위해) 준비한 사랑을
Verse 2. 너의 맑은 눈에 비친 내 행복한 모습이 아련하게
보일 때 깊은 내 마음 한 구석 난 내 존재감을 느끼네
그 느낌이 내겐 무엇보다 소중해 메마른 내겐 비가 되어주고
어둠에 빠진 내게 밝은 빛이 되어주고 지친 내겐 웃음이 되어주고
그안에 내 사랑은 커져만 가고 가만히 두 눈을 감고그댈 떠올려봐
네가 나만의 것이라는 그 생각에 이 모든게 행복하게 보이기만 해
사랑해 저 높은 하늘 아래
Chorus (이젠 너의) 그 눈물 가누며 (따스하게) 너를 감싸 안을게
(네게 줄게) 모든 걸 다 바쳐 (너를 위해) 준비한 사랑을 영원히
내가 너를 지켜줄께 이세상 모든게 변한다해도 간직할께 X 2
영원히 한순간 내 모습마저도 너란걸 알고있니
You know it..you know it 너 하나뿐야
you're the love of my life.. yeah~
Chorus (이젠 너의) (영원히 내가 너를 지켜줄께) 눈물을 가누며
(따스하게) (모든게 변한다해도 간직할께) (네게 줄게)
(영원히 내가 너를 지켜줄께) a, ha~~ (너를 위해)
(모든게 변한다해도 간직할께) 내 사랑을.. 내 사랑을..
The lyrics comes from aheeyah
Monday, June 23, 2008
The Korean project, learning from lyrics : With U

"With U" from Rain. Ok their is some parts in english so is a bit cheating but anyway.
I discovert it because of the movie 싸이보그지만 괜찮아 ( I'm a Cyborg, but That's OK )
I think that it's a really nice song.
The chorus get's repeated 3 times so that good for learning.

I lost without you
나 자신을 추스려 보려고 애를 써도 되지가 않았어
떠오르는 니 모습을 떠올리지 않으려 생각하지 않으려 해도
아무렇지 않은 척 살아가고 있었지만 너만 기다렸어
With you I’m not alone
너만 있으면 I’m not alone
뭐든 닥쳐도 두렵지 않아 너만 있으면
With you I’ll never fall
너만 있으면 I’ll never fall
난 쓰러지지 않아 니가 내 손만 잡아주면
나는 왠지 니가 돌아올 것만 같았어
I knew you would you come back baby
내가 너를 그리워하는 그 만큼 너도 날 그리워 할 것 같았어
너무 아름다웠던 우리 사랑이기에 너무 행복했기에
이렇게 끝나진 않을 거란 걸 알았어 난 니가 올 줄 알았어
With you I’m not alone
너만 있으면 I’m not alone
뭐든 닥쳐도 두렵지 않아 너만 있으면
With you I’ll never fall
너만 있으면 I’ll never fall
난 쓰러지지 않아 니가 내 손만 잡아주면
언제나 난 니가 올 걸 알았어 왠진 모르겠지만
서로의 자릴 누구도 메꿀 수가 없기에
With you I’m not alone
너만 있으면 I’m not alone
뭐든 닥쳐도 두렵지 않아 너만 있으면
With you I’ll never fall
너만 있으면 I’ll never fall
난 쓰러지지 않아 내 곁에 항상 너만 있으면
The lyrics are from aheeyah.

Friday, June 20, 2008
The Korean project : Learning from lyrics, Introduction.

There are severals good points about listening to music in a foreigner language you are trying to learn.
I'm not going to discuss the good points in listening music in itself here, just the relation between listening to music while learning a language.

- It's short, generally around 3 or 4 minutes so you can reaped it several times easily.
- It's also easier to read lyrics than books or articles because you won't have to look for too much vocabulary to understand all of it.
- It can be broken into several parts, verses and chorus.
As the chorus should be repeated 2 or 3 time at least that the easiest part to understand.
Then, you can take care of the verses and everything will fall into places.
-You can also sing them to practice your pronunciation.
One of my language teacher told me one day that the students have got a better accent when they sing than when the speak.
I think that's because of the rhythm.
- I'm also sure that it's easy for everybody to find music in his target language and that also open you to the cultur behind.

The best place to find k-pops lyrics is aheeyah. They have also lyrics from movies so you can associate everything. Study a movie and the OST with the lyrics. That's really cool. They have weird romanisation, but I think that because I hate romanisation anyway, (maybe you will like it) and translation in English.
I'm going to write some posts about my favorite songs and give the lyrics as well from where I'm studying.