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Monday, August 4, 2008

The Korean project : Walking the rigth track

En français
In Dresden I met an amazing Italian guy. He learns French only by listening to people around him and to French music.
His French is really great and I hope to be able to speak Korean like that soon.
He wasn't listening all the time, only when he had the occasion so the intensive method I'm using must be a bit faster I guess.
It took him apparently 15 years to get that good, I don't really intend to wait that long.
But the main point here is, that the method works, listen, read, and you will get there.
Aja aja !! Fighting !!

1 comment:

  1. Very good.
    You see? It is working, so don't give up!
    Aja aja fighting as you like to say all the time ;)
    Love you
