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I always want to do as many outstanding things as possible.
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Welcome to my crazy world!
Here is the part 7 of Attic Mirror which allowed me to get to 50000 words and to win the JanNoWriMo contest.
Even if the story is not yet finished, I consider that obtaining the JanNoWriMo winner certificate is already a great achievement.
I had a kind of a writer block but I think I'm over it now.
I went to Dublin on Tuesday and wrote a lot in the bus. Today I wrote 3000 words and I still have a lot of ideas. I'm still a bit worried of the ending of the story but I guess I just have to let it comes by itself no. Just write one more part at a time until the end and that will do.
I think that not thinking about finishing is helping me a lot.
Stats 8961 words more so that's a total of 44023 words.
Less than 6000 words more to write before the end of JanNoFiMo. One of my friends is wondering how come I didn't finish yet. I'm not going to disappoint her. I'll sure have my 50000 words by the end of the month. All Novels Draft
I went through a kind of writer block and didn't reach my word count every day.
I'm getting better. I went to spend one afternoon in a café writing by hand and came back with a lot of ideas. I found some of my characters really inspiring, especially Gideon. He wasn't supposed to be in Demon Soul at the start but he was very helpful there and I wanted to have him in Attic Mirror as well without really knowing how. But now I realize that he is one of my favorite character and I love having hum around even if that's only for a minor role.
Stats : 6005 words more for a total of 35062 words. All Novels Draft
This is the fourth part of Attic Mirror. The writing is going fine, though maybe a bit slower than I would want. Still nothing to frighten the accomplishment of the challenge. I find myself unable to write at sometimes when I wanted to and at some other I'm so inspired that I can write 4000 or 5000 words in a row, sometimes more. I tend to use write or die a lot as a time boxing tool. It really help me to concentrate on a particular part of the story.
I also discovered that I'm putting references to Demon Soul in the story which is normal as some of the characters belong to both novel. I would advice you to start with reading Demon Soul first if you haven't done it yet. Even if it's not necessary to the good comprehension of the novel it could give you more details about some of the characters back ground.
Stats : 8800 words written which gives 29057 words in total. All Novels Draft
Here is the part 3 of Attic Mirror. As you can see you have here the worth of several days of work. Since the last part I had few days when I had difficulty to reach my general word goal of 2500 words but I'm catching up a bit as the novel gets a bit better planed.
I'm still happy with my word count so far and also with the new character I introduced that wasn't planed at all.
I hope you'll enjoy reading it as much as I'm enjoying writing it.
Stats : 9452 words more since last time for a total of 20257 words. All Novels Draft
Here is the next part of Attic Mirror. For those of you who were wondering why I didn't uploaded sooner and in three parts as there is worth of three days of work in it, that's just because I wanted to add more thing in the other sections of the blog and that will continue like that except if someone tell me that they want to read the rest of the story as soon as possible in which case I would be very glad to help as I'm a bit carving for comments right now.
So let's go back to what is interesting us here : Attic Mirror. I really like that novel especially because it's really different of Demon Soul even if there are some common characters. I have completely different feeling while writing it, that's a great new experience.
When I was writing it, as I'm always participating to those writing challenges with friends, one of they told me about a really cool website called write or die. I'm using it in the kamikaze mode so it starts to eat my words if I stop typing for too long. I find it very helpful to help concentrate.
Since I started Demon Soul my average of word for 30mins was about 500. Using this new tool I discover that now it's more 800, sometimes close to 900 words. I hope I'll keep on improving.
Stats 8228 words written in three days so a total of 8228 words All Novels Draft
After the success of NaNoWriMo in November and NaNoFiMo in December during which I wrote Demon Soul. I decided to continue writing and to register for JanNoWriMo (January Novel Writing Month). Basically it works the same way as NaNoWriMo except that you don't have to start a new Novel, you can continue an old one, and you don't have to write 50000 words but you can choose the number of words that you want. Look at their FAQ, it explains it all better than me. Anyway, as I finished my novel already, I decided to start a new one. It will be a bit different this time, but you will still recognise the characters you previously met in Demon Soul, for those of you who read it. The main character is not Brownie anymore, it's Hitomi. She is a writer and like to experience a lot on her topic before actually writing something. She is going to discover a magic mirror in the attic. So the name of this novel is Attic Mirror I won't tell you more about it and I will just let you discover the first part of the story. All Novels Draft