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Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Wednesday Snippet 333: Blue Angel

Welcome to a new part of Blue Angel unedited, we start right where we left off last time.  


We are following Odeon and Torsti.

Odeon took a step back to push him with his butt.

“Come on bro, join the fun,” Odeon said.

Torsti couldn't believe his ears, join the fun? He was the one who normally acted reckless and Odeon was always trying to restrain him but this time he just felt like paralysed. Was Odeon really trying to get them killed?

“Here,” Odeon yelled.

Torsti couldn't figure out which direction his brother was pointing at and turned around. Odeon started to throw more and more fire balls which almost disappeared before hitting the wall. What was he expecting? Burning the rocks?

“Help me, we gotta go over there,” Odeon said.

“Then just freaking walk there and I'll hit whatever wall with my hammer but we gotta go out of here fast,” Torsti said grabbing his brother's arm to make him stop but Odeon didn't seem decided to stop wasting his time.

He started to move toward the point he had mentioned with Torsti's strong hand still holding his arm. It was difficult to walk now, the ground was even more uneven but Odeon knew exactly where he was going. He could hear it, despise the noise he had found it again, the humming like a song was calling him. It seemed extremely familiar. He finally stopped and put his hand on the wall.

“It's behind it,” he said smiling, he felt as if what he had been looking for all those years was finally his. “Just behind it.”

“What is?” Torsti asked. His brother's voice, his behavior, he wondered if a stalactite didn't fall across his face because he seemed a bit loony.

“Mum,” Odeon answered.

Torsti grabbed him by both shoulder forcing him to face him and shook him hard.

“That's not funny, I don't want to play your little games anymore,” he said.


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