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Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Wednesday Snippet 329: Blue Angel

Welcome to a new part of Blue Angel unedited, we start right where we left off last time.  



We are following Odeon and Torsti.


“Then I guess we only have one thing to do,” Odeon answered. He would have been happy to free the souls if that meant that he would have less troubles fighting against the hunters.

“I don't think it will be that easy, we will have to figure out this darkness and get rid of it first,” Torsti answered.

Once again he wondered if his parents were here. They had been killed by the Hunters and were prisoners of them, suffering even after their death.

“Let's get moving,” Odeon said.

He walked against the wall, feeling the ground on his feet before every step, probing the wall on this right side with his hand, the emptiness on the left side with his wings wondering how far the room extended. Testing the ceiling above his head with his left hand.

“I think I got it,” he said.

“Got what?” Torsti answered.

“There is some light over there,” Odeon said.

Torsti looked around everywhere but without success.

“I still can't see a damn thing and I thought your eyes were closed,” he said.

Odeon walked away from the wall confidently.

“Wait!” Torsti said trying not to fall without his marks.

“They are close, I told you it was better,” Odeon answered.

“So now you can see in the dark,” Torsti answered.

“I can't see in the dark, I can't see with my eyes closed either, just I can feel the light, I just know it's there, I don't need to be attached to my eyes and rely on them all the time, I'm alright,” Odeon said a bit annoyed. “Now if you could shut up and let me listen to what's around, that would help.”

“Sure,” Torsti answered.

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