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Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Wednesday Snippet 331: Blue Angel

Welcome to a new part of Blue Angel unedited, we start right where we left off last time.  

 We are following Odeon and Torsti.

“It's a girl, right? I'm not dreaming,” Torsti finally whispered really low as if he was afraid to scare the voice away.

“Yes but I can't figure out where it comes from,” Odeon said.

Torsti massaged his shoulder.

“Just relax bro, and concentrate.”

Odeon found it funny how Torsti wasn't going to try anything but was totally relying on him. It wasn't usual. It hadn't happen after Lonan was born, when Torsti too had become an older brother.

“It stopped,” Torsti said pulling on Odeon's shirt.

“Yeah, I know,” Odeon said. “Just don't make noises and let's keep moving.”

He sighed as if he was really starting to get annoyed. Odeon was the most patient of the three. Torsti was trying to follow his example but most of the time Lonan was being just a pain moving as if he had energy for four of him in one single body that Torsti really wanted to yell or hit something. When it was getting really too bad he would go in the forest with his hammer and smash rocks until there were just sand. Odeon would just sit and read or talk calmly to Lonan to make him stop. Lonan always needed a lot of things to do and he would get bored with them very easily. He would never finish anything and that tended to drive Torsti nuts. So having Odeon sighed this way was definitely not a good sign. When Odeon was getting tired of something, it was the entire house shaking. Lonan would hide and stay still for a change which was rather helpful. But it was so unusual that it made Torsti feel uneasy. He wondered if Odeon wasn't starting to get stressed because he was just following the lead instead of trying to help. But that couldn't be helped. He didn't see a damn thing. A part of him wanted to ask if there was something he could do but the other part was scared of making things even worse.

Odeon stopped again without notice and Torsti bumped into him hurting his head on a stalactite at the same time.

“Let's throw it all we've got,” Odeon said.

“What? Are you mad, we are under-ground, this darkness is absorbing our fire so well that if I lit it, I can't even see my hand,” Torsti said. “We are just going to end up buried alive and I'm not that much of a digger.”

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