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Showing posts with label Writing video. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Writing video. Show all posts

Sunday, May 24, 2020

WeWriWar 329: The House at the Crossing 35

Hello everybody and welcome for a new Sunday of writing with Weekend Writing Warrior and Snippet Sunday!
Let's continue with  "The House at the Crossing" and it's a prequel to Demon Soul and the demon series. It's a bit of a mix of Fantasy and Science-fiction.

It follows one of the books more obscure character as she first come into the House. It's suppose to explain why there are so many people is the house and sort of where they come from and at the same time be a first time adventure for the main character as she needs to adapt to her new role and the new version of who she is.

Does anyone else find those changes in blogger very annoying. It's like everything is still there and the same but all different and confusing!

Let's start right at where we left off last week !

I know everything about her and suddenly, Malicia is in my arms and there is only two of us left. Hiroshi and Ryan are in the same crib. There is no space for little Malicia in there. No space for Mikala. I'm worry Malicia is going to disappear, to be taken away by her father too but I know, her father didn't care, he just left with someone else before Malicia and Ryan were born and he left me alone.

I remember him and Hiroshi's father too. I can switch naturally from one memory to the next. Aunt Teresa is right. This isn't confusing, this is what I needed, the guy I wanted to go out with from the bar, he stayed and I got Malicia and Ryan out of that relationship, but he also left, and we never had that last drink because I was listening to Hiroshi's father playing on the piano that night too. It's all there, it's all one and at the same time multiple.

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Monday, October 22, 2018

WeWriWar 266: Demon Soul

Welcome to a new excerpt of DEMON SOUL for the Weekend Writing Warrior and Snippet Sunday
Brownie is a normal girl, or so she thinks. She likes to chat with her sisters about random things, she likes fashion and she is member of the fashion club at school. But one day, as her little brother gets really sick because of a curse placed on him, she meets this really strange guy who cures him absorbing the baby's sickness within himself. As he is about to fall from his new acquired fever, Brownie sees Yue's soul and immediately falls in love with him. But Yue is not a human, Yue is a demon.
Brownie and Yue will built their love story until....

Until Yue's soul is stolen. There is nothing left of their love. The purple light dancing in Yue's grey eyes is gone. Forever? Not quite. Brownie is desperate to find it back. And to get a soul stolen by demons, she needs to go deep into dark magic! But Brownie is not a witch, she is just looking for a spell powerful enough to bring her love back. When an amateur starts playing with strong magic without preparation and without caring for the consequences, things turn wrong...

Let's start right where we left off.  

Generally, Brownie liked to hear Hitomi tell her strange stories, however, tonight, she could only think about one thing. 
How would she get what she needed from the shop in the Demon World? 
She couldn’t possibly ask anyone to come with her, and she would need a nice disguise to go in there. 

I go in, I get the incense as fast as possible, and I go out. Everything is going to be alright, she kept on telling herself. 

But she wasn’t convinced. She was still lost in her thoughts as the dinner ended and she walked back to her bedroom.

If you miss them last week, check out my video of the Japan writers conference happening this weekend in Otaru.  

Day 1

Day 2

I also have some vlog about Otaru if you want to check the place out.

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Monday, October 15, 2018

Japan Writers Conference in Otaru

I spend the weekend at the Japan Writers Conference in Otaru. This is a free yearly conference in Japan of authors and writers and basically anyone interested who wants to show up and check it out. It was super interesting, I met a lot of nice people and it was also a trip to Hokkaido which is pretty awesome. 
Of course, I took this opportunity to make videos for my author channel on youtube. One for each day though I think I did a better genre with the second video. So you can check a sort of summary of what I learned and thought about the different lecture and workshop of the event. 

Here is the video for day 1

Here is the video for day 2

Now that the conference is over, I'm staying a few days in Otaru just for sightseeing so there will be vlogs of that coming up too.

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Friday, November 24, 2017

NaNoWriMo Vlog Day 22: THE WIN!

In this video I talk about winning NaNoWriMo by reaching 50k words.
I also show you the winner page with all the goodies and so you can see what happens when you win.
At first the damn NaNoWriMo word eating monster of hell actually eat my words like 247 words less than on my writing software so I had to add a few more to get the win.
In this video you'll see the fail at validating my word count the first time and the final win.

Here is the video

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Friday, November 10, 2017

NaNoWriMo Vlog Day 9 (8) Catch up and Mini Centaur

I did a lot of writing today. I managed to catch up the words I didn't write on day 8. I don't know what happened on day 8 really. I was just in front of my PC and I couldn't write any sentence that make sense.
So today I got almost 5k words which is what I needed to be on time for my own schedule.
I also made a video for my other channel with the last doll box I had to open.
You can see that here.
Then I made a little centaur custom. I had it forever and I finally decided it was time to make it. I had quite a bit of problem on the face but after three tries it's not that bad.

Here is the video

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Wednesday, November 8, 2017

NaNoWriMo Vlog Day 7: On Brainstorming and Write or Die (with video)

Today I had a very slow start so I decided to use one of my little tricks to get those words done.
I opened Write or Die and Wrote like a maniac because I didn't want to die. ;)
Write or die is an online page where you have to write or consequences. You can chose your amount of words and time for free or you can pay for the upgraded version. Personally, I use the free version, it totally does the work of tricking me into writing a lot of words really fast.
You can check it out and try for yourself here:

Today I also talked with a friend and sort of brainstorm her story and it made me think about brainstorming for writer in general as I see it happen a lot in writing groups. I like to brainstorm for other but I would totally hate to have someone infusing ideas in my stories so in this video, I explain why.

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Sunday, November 5, 2017

NaNoWriMo Vlog Day 4: I went to Doll & Toy

Today's writing was on the low side. 112 words that's ridiculous but at the same time. Every little words count and 112 words is always better than zero.
I went to a doll event (I do those a lot) in Saitama. It was my first time actually getting out of the train at Omiya station.
I have a coverage of the event here if you want to have a look.
It was small but a lot of fun, especially the seeing a doll created in front of me part.
I'm still on schedule for the "normal" NaNoWriMo but now I'm 502 words behind for my own special "2500 words a day" schedule. Hopefully, I'll deal with that soon and get back on track.

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Friday, November 3, 2017

NaNoWriMo Vlog Day 2: She looked like an angry pufferfish

Of course I have been writing today. I managed to reach 5452 words. That cover the 5000 words I should reach on day 2 and the 2500 daily words and gives me about 100 extra. 
I really wanted to push a bit more but I had no time after dinner. I still have half of my blog to work through. I really wish I could work when someone else is in the room, that would help a lot because as soon as Ikki comes home I can't do anything anymore except maybe read and crochet. 
So yeah no video filming and no writing after dinner unless he goes to bed before me. I need to find a way to schedule things so that I'm not so frustrated with being unable to work when he is around.

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Thursday, November 2, 2017

NaNoWriMo Vlog Day 1

Today is the first day of NaNoWriMo and I totally skipped on the midnight party kick start. I would probably have done it if I was still in Belfast but I actually don't know anybody to NaNo chat at midnight Japanese time since we are the first starting sort of. 
So I decided to have a before breakfast write instead and it worked really well. I'm at 2873 words already which is 373 words more than my normal 2500 words schedule. And yes, I know you only need 1667 a day to win NaNoWriMo but I have a different plan that actually proved to work for me. I also got very limited dolls delivered today.

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Tuesday, September 19, 2017

The Artist's Way Day 17 (Chapter 3): Jealousy, Godless meaning of life, Shame

So today, I'm starting on chapter 3.
It's a lot better than chapter 2 but I still have a lot of issues with the "God" concept.
This chapter is separated into several parts.
The first one is anger and it basically explains that you have to act on those "anger" moment to get into what you really want because that's what those anger moments are about.
The way I see it, those are more little jealousy moment when you compare yourself to others, compare what they did to what you think you could do. I don't personally think we should act on them. I see them more as jealousy issues than real anger.
I would rather acknowledge my own value and achievement instead of measuring them by comparing myself to other people. It don't think all that healthy to me. The thing is. As long as you are comparing yourself to other you are going to have hundred of those moment with more or less realistic actions that you can take about them. Are you supposed to get everything you want as soon as you have a jealous fit... I don't think so.

The second part is synchronicity, which for me is once again more like cause and effect. I don't have much issue about the end of this part but I do have a huge issue about the mambo jumbo at the beginning and the way meaning is treated as being inherently associated to god. I have also huge problem with the never ending way the author is trying to sort of guilt trip people into using their "gift" from god because they owe it to god. Guess what, new flash, You don't owe shit to anyone. period. Even god whoever your god is.

Then there is the third part about Shame. I agree with almost everything that said there even though the book doesn't bring much of a solution to the shaming problem and only consider the aspect of bad criticism. Shaming deserved a lot more than that as it is at first programmed in you by our upbringing.

Here is the video

Useful links to go deeper into the topics. videos:
Understanding Meaning, Purpose, & Value.
Uncovering Your Childhood Vows - Unwire Your Neurotic Personality

Badwitches articles:
7 revolutionary habits of wealthy witches.
A dangerous love letter from my shadow.
What happened when I told the Goddess to fuck off.
7-things that happened when I quit my fancy internet life.

Novel mentioned int the video:
The alchemist, Firestarter.

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Tuesday, September 12, 2017

The Artist's Way (Day 11) Scheduling

Today I started to do the exercises in chapter 2. I find myself being quite resistant about number 1 and I kind of enjoy number 2. So today, I'm talking a bit about scheduling and how I go about it, like how I don't like to cut tasks into pieces but I would totally prefer to just do things all at once.
Then I talk about my daily work. I have been working on my book "Demon Soul" quite a bit recently and I also read a lot. I mean Game of Thrones is a big book.

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Monday, September 11, 2017

The Artist's Way (Day 10) Skepticism, Narcissistic abuse

So I read chapter 2 and I got a little bit pissed. Ok, kind of really annoyed actually. I'm not really sure what was the purpose of the whole "crazymakers" part of it, except for it being like take the asshole out of your life but it seriously pissed me off. Because of the lack of understanding behind narcissistic abuse and the lack of empathy. And also the lack of solution, I mean telling victims that they are using their abuser not to be creative really rubbed me the wrong way.
It is true that we often use a lot of excuses not to be our best but there are also limits to that argument. One point that really annoyed me is that it's always super easy to blame the victim of a narcissist since there is no trace of the abuse, the abuse is invisible and many times everyone around think that the narcissist is the great guy and that you are just a crazy person. So having that kind of talk in this book in a chapter about "recovering a sense of identity" it just annoyed the hell out of me. It also lack of empathy.
Anyway, if you manage to survive to the end of the video which is really long today, I also talk about the last part of this chapter about "Attention" which was way better.

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Sunday, September 10, 2017

The Artist's Way (Day 8-9) An Experiment of One

Today is a video about Day 8 and 9 of my Artist's Way project. I was a bit sick for the past few days so I haven't been making much progress on the book. I have been reading Game of Throne instead to be honest, lol because I find it a lot more entertaining.
I'm not done with this Chapter but here is my first impression. The part that bugs me so far is that it's supposed to be a Chapter again toxicity and I sort of find it toxic itself. I'm going to have to finish it before making my conclusion though.
Anyway, tell me what you think about it and I'll see if we agree or not and explain my point of view in the next video.

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Thursday, September 7, 2017

The Artist's Way (Day 6) I took an Oath (with video)

So today I did my morning pages and my affirmation. I was actually late very late because I spent the night reading game of throne. I had something weird happening during my positive affirmations. I had a thought about something saying something bad to me just to realised that it bothered me so much because someone else had said it before many time over. So I wrote them in the "Monster Hall" and then I wrote down the memories.
I couldn't go to my Artist's date because of the rain. So I was editing my novel instead and I got really bored.

Here is the video

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Tuesday, September 5, 2017

The Artist's Way (Day 5) I'm a pianist

Today as an exercise for my Artist's Way project. I decided to play the piano for you. I haven't played in months so it's full of mistakes but I guess if I keep at it for a few days, I might be able to get something decent again.
I actually started playing the piano again because of a project called the Give it 100. Then of course I didn't stick with it long enough. I still managed 30 days though. Now their website is gone but you can see my post 33 day laps video here.

You can also check the other video when I started again here. If you want to see a better version of me playing the first song in this video you can have a look here.

I think I might retry again and do it on this channel. Please let me know if you are interested in seeing that.
Other than this exercise of going into a parallel life and pretending to be a different version of me, I didn't do much for the Artist's Way today.
I sort of got annoyed when doing my morning pages and stopped after 2 pages and I didn't do any affirmations or any other exercises.
Hopefully, I'll be able to do better tomorrow. 

Here is the video

 Check out The Artist's Way Circle here.

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The Artist's Way (Day 4) Parallel Universes

Hi guys and welcome to Day 4 of the Artist's Way.
Today I did quite a bit for my Artist Way project. I started with the morning page, I did a bit of digging up the bad stuff though none of it came out during my positive affirmations. Then I decided to start on exercise 8 which is listing 5 alternative lives. I call that the parallel lives travel. It was actually quite fun to figure out other things that i might be doing. The second part of the exercice is to actually do it, o I'll pic one of the lives tomorrow and do that .

Here is the video

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Monday, September 4, 2017

The Artist's Way (Day 3) and WeWriWar, Snippet Sunday

Today I didn't do much for the Artist's Way. I just got something really weird happening. So when you do the affirmation and say good things about yourself, you are supposed to have negative feedback from your inner voice or negative memories coming up. This morning, there was nothing. So I just tried to write the sentence nicely instead. It's really weird but at the same time I tend to try not to stick to the negative so much so it might get buried deep in.
Today, since it's Sunday, I'm also participating in the Week-end Writing Warriors and Snippet Sunday.
It's basically a blog hop where writers share 8 to 10 sentences of their work and read each other's work.
If you are a writer, you can join and share your work too. If you are a reader, you can join and discover new writers and new little pieces of story every weeks. 

Here is the video

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Sunday, September 3, 2017

The Artist's Way (Day 2): Gotham City (with video)

Hi guys and welcome to a new video of my Artist's Way journey.
I think I'm going to give you little summary of what I did for the Artist's Way on a daily basis, I mean as long as I have something interesting to say.
So today I went through the morning page, the affirmation and the exercises. I wanted to go on my artist date but I couldn't make it there for reasons you'll see in the video.

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Saturday, September 2, 2017

The artist's way: Introduction

On the first of September, I started a new 12 weeks program called "The artist's way" basically I'm in a facebook group, you can find the link here.
All the participant are supposed to read "The artist's way" by Julia Cameron and go through all the exercises. Basically every day you are supposed to do the "morning pages" which is write 3 pages of whatever comes to your mind as soon as you wake up. Every week you also have to go on a date with your inner artist. And then there are like 8 exercises to go through.
On the first day, I did exercices 3 and 4 which is like the monster all of fame where you write down three monster that killed your creativity and then you pic one and explain in details what actually happened. For week one, we also have to do some positive affirmation and work on the negative feedback we get from our inner voice.
I hope I'll be able to stick with it for the twelves week. It's fun so far. If you are doing it to or have done it just let me know in the comments bellow.

Here is the video

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Thursday, August 31, 2017

My Writing History part 2: A lot of Writing

Hi guys and welcome to a new part of my writing history video. 
Today I'm telling you what I wrote after Demon Soul, this is basically an explanatory list of all my current novels, either as drafts, published version, or unfinished drafts. 

Here is your video

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