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Sunday, January 22, 2023

WeWriWar 381: Sun Kiss 3

Hello everybody! 

Welcome to a new Sunday of writing with Weekend Writing Warrior and Snippet Sunday!

Anyway, today I have another little snippet of my latest WIP: Sun Kiss. You'll discover more about Jane.

 But let's just get started where we left off last week:



She had taken something bigger than she could chew just to prove to herself that she could and that she wasn't an idiot but she was already wondering when the burn out was going to come up. Yet, tonight, she was making progress, she could feel it. She just wished to get things without needing to do it the hard way sometimes. But everything worth having required work. 
She took a sip of her tea, it was cold. Her tea was always getting cold before she thought about drinking it. She had so much to think about. She reread the first sentence and smiled that was it. Efforts always ended up paying in the end.



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1 comment:

  1. Sounds like my mom and her coffee.... it's always cold by the time she takes her second sip
