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Thursday, February 13, 2020

Thursday Fiction 255: Parallel Slip

Welcome back to a new part of Parallel Slip, where we follow the adventures of Frederique through her slip in different parallel universes.

Image by Colin Behrens from Pixabay
Let's start right where we left off last week.

"I said I'm not asking you..."
"Before that, what did you call me?" Alex said.
"I... I don't know.... I..." this was working, he had a reaction to it. "I said Fin, didn't I? I'm sorry."
"How do you know that name?" he asked.
He was clenching his fist on the wheel and his fingers were turning all white out of it. I didn't know what was wrong with the name but I wasn't sure anymore that having this conversation in the car was a good idea, still, I didn't have much choices.
"That's your name, in the other universe," I said.
"You've gotta be kidding me," he said.
He turned left. I didn't know what to answer to that so I stayed silent and looked through the window. He knew the name just like I knew I could be called Frederique or Michelle. Thinking about it, I didn't know Lieutenant Fin's given name, even with all my trips to that particular universe, I had no idea, maybe he was even Alex there. This was crazy. The houses were passing through in front of me. We had reached the city and we'll soon be at the university. Then I would go to my room and forget about everything I had told Alex. There was no way anyone would ever believe me unless they could see the other universes for themselves. At least, in this universe. I wondered how my father had managed to convince Debby and Klara. If it had been easy for him because they trusted him with their life or if he had struggled. Regardless, it had worked for me too, in that other universe, they knew who I was every time I entered Michelle's body and they didn't even mind. Maybe getting into a coma wouldn't be such a bad thing, maybe I could stay over their with Fin and the girls.
Alex park the car on campus near to our building. He was still clenching at the wheel when I opened my door.
"Wait!" He said. "I believe you, all of it."
"All of it, the trip at the black out, the parallel universe, all of it, I believe you."
I didn't know what to say because that was unexpected.

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Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Wednesday Snippet 257: Blue Angel

Welcome to a new part of Blue Angel unedited, we start right where we left off last time.

Torsti rolled on the floor to get to his hammer and seized the handle firmly. He sat up swinging it as the first demon entered in the room flying and caught him bellow the chin sending him flying across the room until the wall abruptly stopped it. A trace of blood and hair marked the wall as the demon crashed on the floor. The demon had chose just the right moment to attack as Torsti was passbly mad. They could blame Odeon for it, he was going to make mash demon today.
He stood up in front of the broken window arms open.
“Is that all you've got? Bring it on!” he said.
Fire ball started to fly at him again but they were too slow. Odeon pulled on his jeans to get him back down with him on the floor.
“What the hell are you doing?”
“You catch one before I kill them all if you want,” he said.
“They know where is Lonan?” Odeon answered with a reproachful tone, “we scared them and just follow them there.”
“I don't care, remembered, I'm that freaking selfish guy who only cares about shower and breakfast and his own comfort,” Torsti said getting back up without giving more attention to his brother than necessary.
“I didn't mean it this way,” Odeon said as Torsti jumped through the window.
“Well you freaking did say it exactly that way though,” he answered before starting to fly through the fire balls.
“Come back here, you're going to get both of us killed,” Odeon said his hands around his mouth to reach Torsti who was flying further away in direction of the fire balls provenance.
He grabbed a toast put it quickly in his mouth and followed his brother. The fire balls came no from two different places which meant there were two demons and they probably wanted to separate them. Torsti took a turn on the right. Odeon knew it was the worse idea he ever had but he took a turn to the left to go get the other demon, he passed his half eaten toast near a fire ball as in came near him. Toasts tasted better toasted and hot, too bad that the Hunters didn't provide butter or jam with there attack.

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Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Tuesday Travel 46: Witch Raising: The Book of Fire

Welcome to Tuesday Travel. Every Tuesday, I will be presenting an excerpt of Witch Raising: The Book of Fire, the book in which Brownie, the heroine of Demon Soul, is undertaking an initiatory journey. 

Image by PDPhotos from Pixabay
About Witch Raising: The Book of Fire

Witch Raising is a new series with Brownie, the heroine of Demon Soul as the main character. This series is part of the House at the Crossing Series and follows Demon Soul and Demon and Fairy but instead of being centered on the adventure of Sahel and his demon friends, it follows Brownie as she goes from being a normal girl to a bad ass witch. She has been practicing magick for a while now, saving people from difficult situations but the people at the house, including Sahel aren't happy with her new calling. Feeling that she doesn't have a choice and has to keep learning witchcraft, Brownie leaves to meet other witches.

The excerpt, we start where we left off last week 

She took the direction the guy had taken before her half thinking that he would be waiting for her and jump out from a dark corner or something. But the were no dark corner, this wasn't the demon world, the entire place was illuminated with red lanters made of paper. The all city around her seemed to be on fire and the street she was walking on was large so that the crowded from the station didn't seem to large anymore. It was paved and turned into a pedestrian way, probably for the festival. She would have a good night sleep and tomorrow she would be able to explore the place and maybe see the lions. She hadn't expected to feel happy during this trip, she hadn't expected to feel any joy so close after breaking up with Sahel, but somehow she couldn't help it. The fact that she was doing something good for herself for a chance instead of doing something for everyone else was making her happy and who cared if the trip was to take a month instead of ten days, in a way, she felt like she deserved it.

Sahel might care though. But this trip was supposed to be about her, not about him. She couldn't just give up on things because he might disapprove or miss her. She had broken up with him for a reason, because she couldn't let him treat her the way he did and go with it. So she needed to be brave and play. That sounded so silly or selfish said like that. She was going to stay away because she wanted to have fun but at the same time she didn't know if she was ready for the coven either. They probably wanted her because otherwise she wouldn't have found where to go. At least she forced herself to believe that but what if she wasn't ready to think in the same direction they would even if it was to save herself.
At time it sounded a bit like giving up on her own personality and uniqueness and independence just to be part of something bigger and she was yelling inside thinking about who she was and what she wanted. Her ego would ripped the world apart before letting her disappear. Though it had felt so peaceful in her dream when she reached the seed of her consciousness and let herself be one with the universe. It was different, it was not like losing herself like she was doing now with the struggle, it was also finding a different part of herself that she didn't know was there.
There wasn't much she could do though maybe Fireden would be her only stop before reaching Evergreen Stop, and it was just one more day. She would leave tomorrow and sleep in the night train and that would be it, nothing to worry about much.

The first hostel she stopped in front of had a blue sign at the door saying "Fire Hostel" with a little drawing of a fireplace on the side. It looked a bit strange, it reminded her the sort of place that might be seen in the demon world where nothing was really good just enough not to stand out. If anything looked rich you would get robbed, unless you were in a gated part of the neighborhood. If anything looked too bad, people would come and squat and take it by force because it didn't belong to anyone anymore which was why nobody put effort into it. It was a sort of balance keeping things even that seemed really weird but in a way, if everyone had the same thing, it helped reduce the trouble. Even though in the demon world it was just an evenly spread chaos.
There was no chance to rise above a little in was all out or nothing.

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Monday, February 10, 2020

Mystery Monday 46: Harajuku Kiss

Welcome Mystery Monday. For this weekly writing blog post, I will be presenting snippets of my novel Harajuku Kiss, a mystery romance in Japan.
I hope you'll enjoy following our heroine through her thoughts and adventures.

About Harajuku Kiss

At times, life can be so depressing. She is walking her usual recovery tour in Harajuku, finishing with a crepe, trying to forget that her boyfriend dumped her once again for the week-end... When the unthinkable happens... A boy stops in front of her in the street and kisses her, in the middle of the street, before running away.
Trying to discover more about him, she is dragged into a dangerous game of mystery. A biologist has been murdered and a deadly virus is on the loose. First suspect: the mysterious Harajuku's stranger.

Here is the snippet for this week

Few minutes ago, I didn’t know how I was supposed to find him back without sticking poorly drawn portrait all over Harajuku but now, he had given me a clue. Did he want to be found? By me? I shook my head violently at the thought. Here, I was doing it again, getting a romantic view of everything around. The kiss was the romantic part, the problems were the didn’t-ask-for-your-name and didn’t-ask-if-he-could-actually-kiss-you parts.

Guys were driving me insane. Why was I caring so much for someone I met only few seconds and knew nothing about? This was typical of me. I had to care for someone in a very phantasmagoric way. I needed some kind of fiction. Except that this time, it was unbelievable. Why me? And why did he need to kiss me this way when just touching lips would have been enough or hugging if anything? Or even pretending to bump into me?

Get Harajuku Kiss

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