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Thursday, February 17, 2022

Thursday Fiction 335: Parallel Slip: Rebel

Welcome back to a new Thursday Fiction. We continue where we left of last week, following Isabelle as she figure out who she really is.

“It seems that you are too immature little sister, still in the middle of you teen's crisis and that you can't be trusted with the first plead. Apparently you went to a forbidden universe today, that's so bad! Couldn't you behave just for a few more days?”

“That's none of your business where I go,” Isabelle said.

“You know that if I plead allegiance first I could be designated at the heir right?” Malik said.

“That would suit you so well,” Isabelle answered.

If there was one thing she didn't want it was for her brother to be the heir then he could decide to kick her out or to put a tracker on her or anything he wanted, even to work with her mother's psycho team and have her as a guinea pig for his own satisfaction. She was sure he would build an army of people able to travel to other universe and create a weapon to enslave them and make himself the dictator of the multiverse or something. Even if being in charge wasn't so appealing with all the responsibility, Isabelle wasn't ready to leave her place to Malik, no way in hell. But then, would she ever be free or would Malik try to kill her to inherit just like her mother had somehow managed to kill her uncle. Because there was no explanation for her uncle death and seeing how fast the military organisation had showed up after his death, Isabelle was sometimes wondering if they weren't responsible for it. Because he would never have founded them, he would rather have had every single one of their laboratory shut down before they even begun. 


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