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Thursday, August 19, 2021

Thursday Fiction 312: Parallel Slip

Welcome back to a new part of Parallel Slip, where we follow the adventures of Frederique through her slip in different parallel universes.

 Let's start right where we left off last time, with Frederique in the space ship's universe.

I lowered myself, for sure if I looked at them from lower they wouldn't recognize me, I took a glimpse. My creep had taken the other guy in grey uniform by the collar and was pushing him to the wall hard, looking straight in his eyes and muttering things I couldn't understand. I couldn't recognize the other one either but the one thing I knew was that now was my chance. I stood up slowly not to make noise looked at them from my normal height before crossing to the other end of the corridor. I didn't stop, I didn't check to see if they were behind me, I continued straight which was really unnerving because I wanted to hide so bad. A few doctors greeted me on the way and I did my best to greet them back not to seem suspicious, and then I entered Fanny's quarter without even bothering to knock.

"I don't want to see you, and I have nothing left to say to you."

"That's good, because all you have to do is to listen. I was hypnotised, don't ask me how or why or how I got out of it, because that's a long story. The thing is, the person who hynotised me has at least one accomplice, they are not really far from here. They are planning to have Tucker removed and the pilots replaced."

At this point Fanny stood up defiantly and crossed her arms again. I don't know were my urge of uncrossing people arms came from but it was a thing I would have much preferred her get in an all offensive akibo position. Her pinched lips and semi shut eyes were like yelling: and why should I care, but I knew she cared she just didn't want to admit it. So I went for the kill.

"And Fin hasn't been around for a while and I don't't know from when because I was not really myself these past few days."

"Wait, Fin hasn't come to see me since you appointed me to public relation, he wasn't even there for the audience."

"We have to find him and we have to hurry and place some protection on the pilots, if they get them

we won't be able to find Antares and worse you'll never make it back home."

"You have to allow them to fight," Fanny said. She walked to her bed and tried to pass on her uniform's jacket.

"I did," I answer.

"Then the only thing you'll have to worry is a cleaning team for the control room."


"To wipe out all the blood," Fanny said.

Then it hit me, the scared look on Debby's face. 


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