Welcome to a new part of Blue Angel unedited, we start right where we left off last week.

We are at the house and people are discussing Isakael's behaviour.
“Nothing like that,” Isakael said nervously, “just, I need to find her before the other angels do, her wings changed color and if they find her, there is no saying what they would do to her.”
“Can angel really be mean to eachother?” Saphira asked looking at the picture deeply trying to imagine Jezabel in her mind.
“You have no idea,” Isakael said. “Guess why I live here.”
“Yes, I see,” Saphira answered. “So do you have a map of the Angel World for me or are you going to draw something like the others did?”
The way she was frowning her check below her eyes showed that she was dying for a real map.
“I'm sorry,” Isakael said, “But I was told that she was either in the Demon or in the Human World but I believe that... she is actually in the Fairy World.
Saphira sighed as if she wanted to say that it was never that easy. She took a pen and a piece of paper and draw three circle in a triangle shape, then she wrote “Demon World”, “Human World” and “Fairy World” in each of them.
“Let's try to figure out which one it is first,” she said placing the paper in front of her instead of the previous map and pushing her long black hair behind her hair. “When was the last time you met her?”
“I never met her, all I know is what was said at the conceal and what is written on his flyer, an angel with blue wings who needs to be found and punished,” Isakael said.
“It's nice that you're so concerned for someone you don't even know,” Saphira answered.
“It's not like that it's...” Isakael started but the way she looked at him, there was no way to change her mind. He really hated being seen as an angel, so nice and soft.
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