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Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Wednesday Snippet 280: Blue Angel

Welcome to a new part of Blue Angel unedited, we start right where we left off last time.

He counted the row of boxes trying to remember the last he had seen before. He turned right entering a row which seemed to be the one feeling uncertain as he couldn't seem to be able to feel the trident calling him anymore. He wondered if they had removed it to somewhere safer as he was here. The body in boxes were an oppressing sight. He imagine how he would feel to wake up in one of this things, knowing that you were born without parents, without memories, as an adult almost. A shiver passed through his spine, this was totally wrong. He wondered who could have the mad idea to create this, who could be that cruel. He felt the urge to destroy everything but he knew it was foolish. These were the way for the one who had died during the fight to be reborn somehow and he couldn't resolve on stopping them. He stopped a second looking around, breathing heavily. He hated this place, it was unnatural and filthy, even for demons.
Cries started to resonate in the room, they had finally found Lonan and they weren't too far from him. He ran, trying to concentrate on the trident, he needed to feel it to find it, all these boxes looked the same from far away, he had no way to direct himself.
It started very slowly, like a wave calling him, a sort of voice resonating in his ear. He turned left and ran straight for a while then right.
He arrived in front of his box turned around it looking for the trident trying not to see his own face in the glass box.
“Is this what you are looking for?” A voice asked on the other side of the box.
Someone had finally found him and it wasn't one of those weakling in robes.

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