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Thursday, November 14, 2019

Thursday Fiction 242: Parallel Slip

Welcome back to a new part of Parallel Slip, where we follow the adventures of Frederique through her slip in different parallel universes.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
Let's start right where we left off last week.

"That's out of my league, I'm a mechanics," she said.
"But I trust you," I said.
"But I don't do people." She looked at Fin, he was giving her a worried look and I realised that she wasn't talking to me as a captain as she should have. To be fair I wasn't all captain like either, the voting had already exhausted me.
She sighed and tried again.
"With all due respect captain, I can't possibly be put in charge of communication. I don't possess the required skills and..."
"That's the point. You are the perfect ambassador because there won't be any game played between you and them. You can discuss every aspect of the trip from a sustainability point of view, you can talk about the machine and the ship and force them to stop the politics. That's why I want you there, that's why it can only be you," I said.
"I don't know captain."
"Do I have to make it an order?" I said smiling.
Fanny's straightened even more than she already was and bowed to me.
"I will do as you ask captain," she turned around and left.
The room was almost empty. Only few idle crew member were standing near the pilot or looking at the asteroids.
"Fanny in charge of public relationship. You are making a mistake. She has no patience, she is going to chew them alive," Fin said.
"I hope she has good teeth and a better stomach even, because those are poisonous snake she will have to deal with."
Fin looked at me and he was not amused. I was playing a dangerous game, I knew it, it was the reason I was there. Everything was going to be all right. Everything was going to be fine and we were going to get to Antares, then things would get even better and I might even find my dad and answers to a lot of questions. I walked to the class panel. The universe was really beautiful seen from here. Very beautiful. 

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