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Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Wednesday Snippet 445: Fairy World 86

Welcome back to Wednesday Snippet. This week, we continue with Fairy World unedited just where we left off last week

She sighed and kept walking straight, for the moment, the worse that could happen was that she didn't manage to find Kallisto. But Kallisto could still manage out by herself. So the worse that could happen would be for Samira to break the connection and for Brownie to have to find her way back alone before Kallisto woke up. 

So she concentrated on her love for Sahel again. They didn't have many dates so far, their worlds were too complicated and there was always someone who needed help. She promised herself that once he was back from the Fairy World they would take some holidays, maybe in the Caribbeans or somewhere where there was no demons and no magic. The sky cleared up again. 

She tried not to think of all the reasons that made her dream holidays impossible and tried to visualize them instead. The wind rushes and the trees colored leaf feel all around her. Fall was not her favorite season, going back to school were she didn't have anymore friends while she used to be so popular was too depressing. 

As the clouds reappeared she tried to keep her thoughts in check. She wondered why they were always drifting to something dark. Wasn't she happy with her life? What more did she really need? What more did she really want?


You can now find all the Snippets of Fairy World on this blog right here.


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