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Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Wednesday Snippet 444: Fairy World 85

Welcome back to Wednesday Snippet. This week, we continue with Fairy World unedited just where we left off last week

For all answer, the clouds turned black and light flickered.

"I guess not," Brownie said. So the ring was feeling betrayed because Seti was the one who left. Then there was only one choice left. Brownie gathered all the strength she could master and all the love in her heart .

"Sahel!" She called. "Sahel!" She called even louder.

The clouds split, in one direction with a ray of sunshine. That was her sign to find her way out of this maze. She hoped Kallisto and Seti would see it too and follow it. She only needed patience now. She started walking again.

The sky was becoming clearer the further she walked and the trees gained red and yellow leaves. It was like going back in time, the seasons were reversed. It started in the winter and then it was fall. It was like going back to the beginning, before everything was broken. Brownie wondered if that was the right thing to do, to get back to the point where things had turned wrong. 

She was scared. Things had turned wrong for her when Yue's soul had been stolen and he had left her. Somehow everything had changed but if she reached that point where Yue's soul wasn't stolen, Sahel wouldn't exist, everything would be different. The fear gripped on her heart and the sky darkened again.

You can now find all the Snippets of Fairy World on this blog right here.


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