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Thursday, June 27, 2024

Thursday Fiction 431: Parallel Slip 2: Rebel

Welcome back to a new Thursday Fiction, it's been a while. We continue with Parallel Slip 2: Rebel where we left of last time, following Isabelle as she figure out who she really is.


“You could keep the last part out, I always thought it was another personality. I have never been treated for multiple personality disorder though. Romulus never showed up for the appointment with the shrink.”

Isabelle laughed.

“You're not crazy, just manipulated from time to time.”

“Well yeah, at least he is not a complete asshole,” Eric said. “My grand-father had the same sort of problem, with Romulus's father but not anymore. The old man can't really do anything with all the pills they make him take.”

“That bad, he...”

“He had the chimney sweeper scheduled for the next day but the fire started anyway in the pipe. A lot of smoke. The fire was gone when the firemen arrived, he had taken care of it himself but they took him away anyway, on the pretext that he had inhaled too much smoke.


You can now find all the Snippets of Parallel Slip 2: Rebel on this blog right here.

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