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Thursday, June 20, 2024

Thursday Fiction 430: Parallel Slip 2: Rebel

Welcome back to a new Thursday Fiction, it's been a while. We continue with Parallel Slip 2: Rebel where we left of last time, following Isabelle as she figure out who she really is.

“I heard that you need to eat a lot,” he said.

Isabelle took the plate, she was hungry but she also felt like throwing up. Cursed Romulus for his idea of medicine.

“I lost quite a bit of blood,” she said.

“I saw the injury, do you mind telling me what made you want to kill yourself?”

Isabelle looked straight at him. He had some ideas of what happened but apparently some of the details escaped him, interesting.

“I didn't. I removed the tracker my mother put in my body because I was sick of it,” Isabelle said.

“That was brave and a little foolish, you could have gone to the hospital to do it.”

“And say what? That I had pieces of dangerous unknown metal all over my body that needed to be drained out of me? Because I have the rare ability to travel to other universes in my mind like only four other people on the planet?”


You can now find all the Snippets of Parallel Slip 2: Rebel on this blog right here.


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