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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Wednesday Snippet 433: Fairy World 74

Welcome back to Wednesday Snippet. This week, we continue with Fairy World unedited just where we left off last week


"Here," Brownie handed her the book. "I want you to do it because if I need to find Seti, having you with me will make it easier. Also if trouble appear I'm pretty sure Evalynn will know how to handle it and get Viorel or Gideon."

"I'm not helping you," Evalynn said.

"I'm not asking for your help, just for your better judgement, if you still have some of that," Brownie said. "Now stop babbling, I need to concentrate."

She mixed the herbs and hit them until they were just a thin powder. She had some water and essential oil, the fragrance emanating from the mixture was already strong, there was no way this could fail, she already felt her mind wonder in the upper plans just by breathing in.

She left the mixture one the table and placed candles at some strategic point in the room. She was making two circles. If someone entered the room unexpectedly and broke the first circle, she needed some more securities. And she added repelling symbols on the door and windows. If someone wanted to enter, they would have to want to help her. It was just temporary for a few hours but it should give her enough time to dive and come back.


You can now find all the Snippets of Fairy World on this blog right here.


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