Welcome back to Wednesday Snippet. This week, we continue with Fairy World unedited just where we left off last week.
The fairies were creeping through the branches all around to get to him and he didn't feel like holding on much longer. He gave a final push to clear a path and elevated himself through it speeding up as much as he could. Fairies flew at him with their spikes. The others were battling on the ground. He couldn't regroup, he was on his own on this side of the clearing. His only chance was to make it to the wall. The wall was far though, the forest was closer but he wondered if the poison had the same effect on the fairies they had on everyone else. Would those guys get horrible nightmares too if they set a foot in there, and would he be able to hold his breath again long enough to lose them?
The cold hit him the second he hesitated between the wall and the forest. It was not an ordinary wave of cold like the one he could produce. No. It seemed that the air itself was frozen. He had to call on his fire to stay in the air. Pushing it through his wings and finger tips while the fairies around him fell to the ground breaking like glass dolls. That's what he had tried to avoid, the blood bath, but in the end, someone had taken care of it, except that there was not even a drop of blood, the blood of the fairies too was frozen.
You can now find all the Snippets of Fairy World on this blog right here.
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