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Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Wednesday Snippet 368: Fairy World 9

Welcome back to Wednesday Snippet. This week, we continue with Fairy World unedited just where we left off last week

Odeon sighed, he wanted to find Lonan but he had a feeling that he was just getting further and further away. He didn't even really know how they arrived here in the first place. One minute they were in the cave, fighting Ramses and the next, they were here in this world and these guys were here again. It seems that their paths were crossing each other all the time. He wasn't sure it was a good thing. They seemed to be attracting trouble like jam attract flies.

"But we came from near that tree, isn't it where the exit is?" Odeon asked.

"Not anymore I'm afraid," Isakael answered.

Odeon looked at Torsti who just shrugged. He had no idea what to do and this World seemed so foreign. He followed the rest of them in silence, looking around as the forest around them grew thicker and thicker and the trees taller and taller until they couldn't even see the sky. It seemed that the trees were taking a strange dark pink color.

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