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Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Wednesday Snippet 367: Fairy World 8

Welcome back to Wednesday Snippet. This week, we continue with Fairy World unedited just where we left off last week


"He said if Kallisto was to marry Kordelius a terrible thing would happen, that they should never meet," Kelpie said. He didn't want to talk about it but if he wanted his magic back, if he wanted out of here he had to cooperate or at least to look like he was. As soon as he could shift again, he would follow the demon who had called himself Poseidon to his world and get his angel back even if the other one inside of her killed him.

"But Kallisto didn't marry Kordelius," Azazel answered.

"But they still prepared the wedding," Kelpie said, "and you guys made a mess."

"Seriously, I have no idea what is going on," Odeon said.

"It's a very long story," Sahel said, "few months ago we came here on a rescue mission... again... and it turned into a blood bath."

"Except there wasn't all that much blood," Azazel said.

"I don't get it," Odeon said.

"I don't want to know," Torsti answered, "all I care about is getting out of here."

"Exactly my point," Azazel answered.

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