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Thursday, November 4, 2021

Thursday Fiction 323: Parallel Slip: Rebel

Welcome back to a new Thursday Fiction. We continue to follow Isabelle as she figure out who she really is.


She pushed her reality in the background, her bedroom remained with her as a blueish color she could reach for when she wanted out of Asfora and then, she was running and laughing, in the mud, pulling up her dress. 


Any advice of propriety given by her mother was to stop and introduce herself. But Asfora wasn't on the list of the universes in the alliance, universes which knew about each other and Isabelle felt like her other self just wanted to continue to play her game so she went along and run, clinging at the dress. It was made of a velvet fabric and her cape was made of velour and she was in a corset. Isabelle smiled. This was interesting, it looked medieval and she had never been to that sort of universe before. And her double, her other self seemed so free.


“My lady, my lady, wait, you can't run outside after the rain, you're going to ruin your shoes,” a old lady was running after her but not fast enough and Isabelle laughed even more.


“It's all right nanny, I'm just going to the forest, I won't be long.” Isabelle's double said.


There was another girl running on the side but nanny had abandoned the chase. The other girl wasn't as fancily dressed. She had a simple blue gone on, which contrasted with Isabelle's cardinal red. In her own universe, with her blond hair, Isabelle would never dare to wear cardinal red but here it didn't seem to matter, she wished she had a mirror. The girl stopped running and the other girl linked her arm to Isabelle. 


“Wait,” Isabelle said and she took an oval shaped mirror with a golden colored bordered out of her pocket to look at her face.


Isabelle smiled she liked how her suggestion and desires always reached her other self.


“So much coquetry,” the other girl laugh. 


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