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Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Wednesday Snippet 309: Blue Angel

Welcome to a new part of Blue Angel unedited, we start right where we left off last week.     


We are at the house and people are discussing Isakael's behaviour. 


There was only two places Kamaril knew of where he could find answers. The first one was the witch shop in the city center, it didn't look like much but the little witch there knew what she was playing with even if she wasn't a proper demon. The second one was the Nephilim sanctuary, Kamaril hated the place. He had been taken there when his mother died because he was let alone in the street because he was too small for his age and because he had the curious ability to change part of his body to water, especially when it rained. The sanctuary was supposed to be the place for the lonely soul who had nowhere else to go and especially for the kind of demons anyone hated, the Nephilim. At first, they had thought that because he could partially shape-shift, Kamaril was a Nephilim, he had made friends and enjoyed the day. Then it was clear that he was different. He was a Watcher, of course a different kind of Watcher but still a Watcher. The Watchers had hated him for believing that he was a Nephil and the Nephilim then started to hate him because he was a Watcher, a fraud, they felt like he had played them all along and that he wasn't better than the rest of the Watcher and so the bullying had started again. No place for him at lunch, no blanket on the hammock at night, his stuff disappearing all the time, and fights, which might have look like the average demon's fight at this age but were a lot meaner than that. They could have killed him, many times and that was the main reason why he had learned to use his water power so efficiently and so powerfully. He had no choice but to fight back and there was always someone to pretend that he had been the one started it.

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