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Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Wednesday Snippet 308: Blue Angel

Welcome to a new part of Blue Angel unedited, we start right where we left off last week.     


We are at the house and Isakael is consulting with Saphira to try to locate the angel with blue wings 


Saphira placed the pendulum in the center of the map and concentrated looking at the picture of Jezabel. She half closed her eyes and Isakael held his breathe. If she confirmed that Jezabel was in the Fairy World it meant that the permanent members of the conceal had agreed to send hundreds, thousand of them in the Demon World to be killed. He almost wanted to run away, he didn't really want the answer anymore. The picture of Jezabel dropped from Saphira's hand in front of him taking him out of his dream. He needed to know and to warn everyone, somehow, even if they wouldn't listen to him, he had to try.
Saphira's face seemed a lot rounder than usual, as round as the moon and pale. Her eyelids were moving rapidly as if she was looking at every corner of the worlds to find Jezabel. Isakael felt the urge to take her hand but refrained, afraid of breaking her concentration. He turned to look away, it seemed painful. For the corner of his eye he noticed that the pendulum had started to move into small circle. He focused all his attention to it. Trying to guess where it was going to fall. It seemed obvious but he wanted so much to be wrong. The circles were getting bigger and bigger passing at the center of each zone Saphira had drawn. Her hand in contrast was incredibly immobile as if the motion of the pendulum had no effect on her. Isakael followed the motion of the pendulum as it amplified and it brusquely stopped. Saphira didn't move for a while and Isakael hold his breath.
“Well, she is in the Fairy World, isn't she?” He finally said.
Saphira opened her eyes completely and smiled.
“Yes, I didn't lost my power,” she said happily, “your friend is really in the Fairy World.”
“Then I guess I'll just have to go look for her there,” Isakael said.
“You don't want me to figure out exactly were she is?” Saphira answered.
“I just have to follow that tracks of white fairy power, it can't be all that difficult, and it's not every day that the fairy would have an angel as guest, especially one with blue wings,” Isakael said looking at the pitiful map Saphira had been working with all along. The fairy world seemed very strange to him and very colorful.

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