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Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Wednesday Snippet 246: Blue Angel

Welcome to a new part of Blue Angel unedited, we start right where we left off last time.

He arrived to the stairs the demons had taken him through. He stopped in front of them looking up and started to climb slowly. There were still noise in the room he had just left and it came up to him and the stairs was stiffly going up at taking turns. He was trying to distinguish any noises coming from above, ready to fight anyone deciding to go down.
Lonan ran through the corridor after Kamaril, laughing like a devil and didn't think twice before climbing the stairs. Using his wings to go even faster he collided into Kamaril who turned around suddenly ready to blow his head of.
“You could have waited for me and play with the others, you're so bad,” Lonan said pulling out his tongue again and kicking him in the tibia.
“I told you, as a demon you are on your own, get that, no if you do anything like that again, I'll make sure to drown you before taking one step further,” Kamaril said angrily.
“You won't do that,” Lonan said pouting.
“Oh sure I will,” Kamaril said menacing. “Wait!”
Noise were coming from the bottom of the stairs.
“You didn't kill those guys?” Kamaril asked.
“No, I didn't Odeon said I cannot kill people all the time because if I do I won't have anyone to play with,” Lonan said.
“Damn you, really, and damn you're brothers too you better find new one cause they can't seem to be able to raise you properly,” Kamaril said pushing him up the stairs to put himself behind him.
“Hey,” Lonan started to complain but he stopped short looking at the resolution and concentration on Kamaril's face. His mouth was closed tight and his eyes were fixed on an invisible point down the stairs.

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