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Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Wednesday Snippet 228: Blue Angel

Welcome to a new part of Blue Angel unedited, we start right where we left off last time.

But she just answered with a dismissive gesture of the hand ad closed the door behind herself.
Torsti sat on the bed looking at the breakfast and passed on his T-shirt. There was more than enough food for two demons, it was as if she knew that they didn't really eat anything for a while. He turned the black stone around in his hand. They had given them something like this one to cure themselves when they had gone out of the cave but they had taken it back. Torsti wonder who those young demons were. They weren't part of the fight, they had just come to get the human girl who was hold prisoner there but they had some knowledge about the Hunters that he and Odeon didn't have. He wondered if instead of throwing themselves one more time in the hands of the Hunters it wouldn't be easier to ask those people for help. The only problem was that they had all disappeared once everyone was cured and he had no idea where to find them.
He grabbed a toast as started spreading some butter on it. He needed to eat something if he didn't want to fall of inanition and to be able to think straight.
Odeon walked out of the bathroom all dressed up in the newly washed clothes but they were still stained with blood. His hair was wet and dripping water on his shoulder but he didn't seem to care.
“We need new clothes,” he said. Then noticed that his brother was not sitting by the window anymore. “What's happening?”

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