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Thursday, May 23, 2019

Thursday Fiction 217: Parallel Slip

Welcome back to a new part of Parallel Slip, where we follow the adventures of Frederique through her slip in different parallel universes.

Let's start right where we left off last week.

Salsa was our thing. We never made it to our first party but I discovered there were classes and Amy dragged me there. She was the one who really wanted it and she was good at dancing, at least a lot better than me.
"Why not?" I asked.
"I can't do it anymore, we never go to the parties, we are too tired for it, you black out almost after ever dance classes anyway, I don't think it's really good for you."
It was true that I blacked out after every sport classes as soon as I was sitting down. but how wrong was she telling that it wasn't good for me. I could feel the tension in my body and the stress of the week of learning being released. It was intense and that was why I could black out. We would go there and we would walk home and as soon as I sat on the bed I was out for a trip in a parallel universe. It was as close as controlling my black out as I ever got. The problem was, I never managed to get back to the spaceship. After my trip when I figured out that everything about Antares was out of reach for me, I never got back. I wondered many time over if something had happened to Michelle or if they had reached Antares finally. It could also be that she didn't need me anymore. I made me sad a little because it had been the only world where I could be both her and myself. Also I never figured out if her father was really like me, able to travel to different world. It had been month. My father had been the same as usual over the holidays. I had seen my mother only once for Christmas as my father had invited her to spend Christmas Eve and Christmas day with us. She had barely acknowledge my existence, except when she had rushed me to the hospital twice for a brain scan and I had to explain to the doctor that I was fine and jus had a different life now. So on that side of the world, I didn't have any clue about my travels either. I felt like it was just random little trips after random little trips.

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