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Thursday, November 3, 2011

Japan : 江戸東京たてもの園: センターゾーン

En français
Today I will present the center zone of the architectural park 江戸東京たてもの園 details about the west zone can be found here. The center zone is the smallest zone in the sense that it doesn't contain so many building but it contains a garden and Musashino spring-fed pond. The architectural discovery contains :
旧自証院霊屋 (the Mausoleum of lady Jisho-in), Lady Jisho-in was one of the 3rd Tokugawa shogun Iemitsu's concubines, the mausoleum was constructed by her daughter, Princess Chiyo, wife of the Owari Lord, Mitsutomo Tokugawa in 1652. This mausoleum was discovered by Professor 藤岡通夫 (Michio Fujioka) in 1937.
The house of the viscount 高橋 是清 (Korekiyo Takahashi), he was the prime minister during the 二・二六事件 in 1936 and was assassinated during this snow days in the largest bedroom on the second floor. His politics was successful at that time but his measure to decrease the budget of the army had let to making enemies within the rebells military officers.
The 西川家別邸 (second house of the Nishikawa Familly) was built in 1922 in Akishima. Nishikawa was entrepreneur in silk industry.
The 伊達家の門 (gate of the Date Family Residence).
And the 会水庵 (Tea Arbor "Kaisuian") the tea room was built around the Taisho period as the residence of King Jong Yamagishi tea masters.
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