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Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Wednesday Snippet 294: Blue Angel

Welcome to a new part of Blue Angel unedited, we start right where we left off last week.     

This week, we are with Torsti and Odeon.

“I just regret to have told him to not always kill people, he would have protected himself a lot better if he had,” Odeon answered.

“Well he should have though a little better and decided for himself when it is appropriate, we can't keep on treating him like a baby all the time, it becomes very tiring fast,” Torsti said turning on his fire to lit the way.

“You think that it's our fault, that we over protected him?” Odeon asked.

“In a way yes and in a way no. It's not like he didn't need protection either but at the same time coming here with him still so young as if he could fight like one of us was pretty silly,” Torsti answered. “We are treating him like a child and expecting him to be a grown-up demon at the same time.”

“I guess you're right, things will need to change if we find him,” Odeon said with weak resolve.

“I hope you mean when we find him,” Torsti answered.

“Of course,” Odeon answered.

The way was becoming narrower and narrower at each steps and going down, Odeon also turned up the fire in his hand to see where he was putting his feet.

“Bones,” he said, “Everywhere on the ground.”

The bones were cracking as they walked on them.

“What the hell happened in his place,” Torsti answered.

“Do you think it's where we were fighting earlier?” Odeon answered.

“Not a chance, the bones are too old and porous for that,” Torsti answered.

“Do you think that they did it before?” Odeon answered.

“Did what?”

“Locked a bunch of demon in a room and have them fight to death until none survived,” Odeon said.

“Seeing the guys, that wouldn't be too surprising, would it?”

Odeon sighed, he was trying to avoid walking on the bones but there were too many of them.

“I think they died here trying to run away,” he said.

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