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Friday, January 10, 2020

Vampire Friday: Vampire Heart 256

Welcome to a new part of Vampire Heart unedited. Have you been bitten yet? Sign up to be part of our awesome Vampire Friday blog hop team! You know you want to!

Summary of the previous episodes: Viorel has been tortured by his supposed family who wanted to have him burn in the sun. Strangely enough the sun didn't burn him as expected but Viorel has no memory of who he is. Following the advises of his supposed father, he left Sighișoara and is now traveling to the West. After some skirmish in a previous city, he found refuge on a boat. Viorel is now in Vienna. The little problem is that the guy at the inn was a bit of an asshole and helped capture Viorel thinking he was a vampire, which he is but nobody needs to know. Now there is a huge man (which I call the colossi) taking care of Viorel and a priest. They brought a girl. Torture my holy water... Fail. Viorel managed to confuse everyone, now he would like to get out of here. But the girl seems pretty useless. They still managed to escape and he left the girl to the care of the boat lady before going back to have two words with his captors but his power of persuasion were failing him. The priest wanted to crack a deal but Viorel is not really up to help his enemies. He finally got some blood but he can't risk to stay in Vienna. He travel to Linz were he stays a bit to learn German.
Viorel wanted to go to Praha but redirect himself toward Augsburg instead where he wants to get a horse, except that the horses are a bit scared of his vampirism and maybe something else. Viorel is really not a horse expert. Then he comes into an altercation with couple of people, he wants some fear in his blood. The girl Viorel has found seemed to enjoy the game. Viorel prepares for the nightmares that come with a feast of blood, in a rush to leave, he cross the dukedom of Lorrain.
We introduced Sorina, three weeks after the beginning of Viorel's escape.
Viorel dreamed of Sorina and woke up not really remembering anything. Traveling to Paris, he arrives at "La cour des miracles". He is rescued by a stranger who turned out to be Nicolas Flamel, the alchemist he was looking for. Nicolas does some strange experiment without Viorel's agreement. Some people are looking for Nicolas's secrets. On the other side of Europe, Sorina awakes and Viorel's past in haunting him. Viorel discovered that he can change into a wolf but that's not the easiest thing to handle. After finding out that a younger version of Nicolas might not be acting with his best interest at heart, Viorel decides to leave for the north. He is now traveling with two people, Alexej who needed to get out of Praha and Irina who he accidentally rescued.

Image by Emphyrio from Pixabay
Now, let's continue with Vampire Heart, right where we left off last week

“They will never let you get to the castle,” I answered.
“I know that, that’s why we won’t let them come to the village. The villagers will have some rest, he wants your family to smell the blood of their cattle as strongly as possible and to realize that it is impossible for them to reach their blood, he wants to force you out of town to tire you with the hunt,” Dylan said.
“Why are you telling me all that?” I asked suspicious.
“Because you are not like the other, your family, my family, we keep pet for feeding our blood appetite, our sexual desire, our need for domination, but you never drunk a single drop of her blood, you can stand so close to her and your fangs are not even out, see,” he said pulling his upper lips away to disclose the long fangs getting out of his mouth. “I can’t stop myself, as long as there is blood nearby, those are out.” “She is not for drinking,” I said angrily.
“I know that and so does my clan, anyone drinking from her or her parents will die,” Dylan said.
“Why should I believe you?” I answered.
“You don’t have too, just wait and see,” he answered.
He took away his silver bracelet, it was shining in the moonlight and he threw it at me to catch. His name was written on it.
“You will need this to cross our lines between here and your castle, if you show it to the vampires of my clan, they will let you pass without fighting, if you don’t wear it, you’ll be pretty much dead,” he said turning around.
“Why you…” I started but he turned his arm in the air as to dismiss me and disappeared inside of the inn before I could finish my sentence.
“I don’t like him,” Sorina said after a moment. She had stopped trembling but she was still looking at the door where Dylan had disappeared as if expecting him to come back any time soon.
“Just wait and see, I know I can’t trust a vampire but he seems to be different, to be more like me, just wait and see if what he said is true,” I said.
“And then,” Sorina answered finally looking at me again.
“And then I will still come here between sunset and sunrise to protect you as I owe to do, there won’t be anything or anyone stopping me, with or without this bracelet.” I said pushing a lock of dark hair once more behind her ear.

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Thursday, January 9, 2020

Thursday Fiction 250: Parallel Slip

Welcome back to a new part of Parallel Slip, where we follow the adventures of Frederique through her slip in different parallel universes.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
Let's start right where we left off last week.

"That's why you don't like hospital and to be taken there when you black out, because you've seen enough?"
"I don't might hospital, but I know they can't do anything to help me. That's why I don't want to go, it's useless."
Alex nodded.
"Anyway that's not the point here." I said. "Remember my obsession with parallel universe. Well, it comes from my black out. When I'm not conscious in here, I believe that I slip into another universe."
That was the hard part. Now, I had to make him believe me or I was going to be on my own again about all this.
"We can see it this way. Either I make up the stories, or I actually go to a parallel universe. Fact number one people who black out or faint normally don't see anything while doing it. It's really rare because there is no way imagination would act once your brain is turned out. Fact number two fainting is due to decrease of blood flow to the brain in the entire brain or in partial area. My brain works almost twice more when I'm blacked out."
I took the brain scan out.
"Holly shit!"
It was surreal. Never had I seen so much color in so many area of my brain. It wasn't just length of this black out, it wasn't just that it was a recurrent universe despite the fact it should have been so far away and less accessible because it was different, it was my entire brain working it's way through it. It was amazing.
"What's going on?"
"My dead zone woke up."
"What is that even supposed to mean?"

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Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Wednesday Snippet 252: Blue Angel

Welcome to a new part of Blue Angel unedited, we start right where we left off last time.

“Let's go,” Azazel said.
Seti hesitated.
“What if he doesn't make it?” Seti answered.
“He'll make it,” Azazel said.
They turned around to get to the other exit.

Sahel was running as fast as he could, he knew these guys too, some of them had fight along side the Nephilims against the Hunters during his first fight in the demon world. They had fight to free him and to make sure kids wouldn't die in the coming of age training. He wonder what they were doing here now, fighting against the Nephilim. Did they join the Hunters or were they still following the old war between them and the Nephilim. Demons loved to fight, they loved to destroy everything but still hated it when people came around to destroy their stuff.
Sahel stopped in the middle of the corridor. The kids had been running after him. It was not such a good idea to bring them home with him but he didn't see any other option just now, he couldn't let them here to die, they had already survive the terrible Hunters attack, that was a bit much to let them being hurt here again.
“Listen, I need to find the watcher girl and then I'll take you all to a safe place, anyone know where she is?” he asked.
The kids looked at each others without answering him.
“Come on, she is just like us, those guys destroyed her house too,” Sahel said.
“They came for her, if they find her they will leave us alone,” one of the older kid say.
“If they find her, they will still destroy everything here because it become easy,” Sahel said.
“I don't trust you, you are an outsider, you leave with humans and you smell like humans, you don't care about us,” another kid said.
“Yes, if you really cared, you would be over there fighting and you would have let us fight for our home too, but you don't care because you don't leave here!”
A wave of agreement passed through the crowed of kids gathered around Sahel.
“But the teacher trusts him, he said Sahel is our best chance to survive the coming war,” a little girl said.

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Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Tuesday Travel 41: Witch Raising: The Book of Fire

Welcome to Tuesday Travel. Every Tuesday, I will be presenting an excerpt of Witch Raising: The Book of Fire, the book in which Brownie, the heroine of Demon Soul, is undertaking an initiatory journey. 

Image by Aleksejs Ivanovs from Pixabay
About Witch Raising: The Book of Fire

Witch Raising is a new series with Brownie, the heroine of Demon Soul as the main character. This series is part of the House at the Crossing Series and follows Demon Soul and Demon and Fairy but instead of being centered on the adventure of Sahel and his demon friends, it follows Brownie as she goes from being a normal girl to a bad ass witch. She has been practicing magick for a while now, saving people from difficult situations but the people at the house, including Sahel aren't happy with her new calling. Feeling that she doesn't have a choice and has to keep learning witchcraft, Brownie leaves to meet other witches.

The excerpt, we start where we left off last week  

The city was never ending. She had never thought about it really but it was huge. From where she lived, she couldn't feel most of it. She was so far away from the real big center. It was as if the city was actually composed of many little city all around it and this big busy bulb at that real center. They were in it at the moment. The tall building made of concrete and glass passed in front of her window one after the others, the street bellows when the train crossed a bridge with so many cars and buses and passerby, and life. It almost felt suffocating. Her side of the city was filled with one or two story houses, parks, greens and trees in every street. The children could play ball in the middle of the road without any danger of getting hit by a car. Here, the city was busy with honking and people running and parents never let go of their children's hands. It was a different sort of crazy. The sort of crazy she had longed for long ago when she had visited London with Grenadine. Something full of life. Her crazy now, only seemed full of struggle and possible pain and death.
There were more to life than demons and magic, there were more to life than a quiet pseudo rural life. But maybe that was out of reach for her now, where she was going would bringer closer to her magic. She wished she could bring a balance between her normal life and the magic but that was merely a dream. She didn't really dare to wish too hard anymore. She knew the devastating consequences a wish out of control could bring. At least, she had the reassurance that she did the right thing. She saved Yue's soul by bringing it to Sahel and Sahel was helping people in a way. It couldn't all be that bad even if Karma didn't seem to agree with it so much.
The center of the city finally vanished leaving place to scarce patches of house and trees. This side was different than hers, it looked poorer and poorly kept. There were houses in ruins and some with roofs made of toll. There were tall building attached to each other with boutiques on the ground floor and clothes drying outside on the upper balconies. Yet another side of life.
And still Brownie couldn't figure out where she fit in. She had a plan and it all fell apart and over the past months, all she had cared about was survival. So much stress in her life, so much anxiety, so little sleep, so little rest and so little time to do anything else than react. When one crisis was over, it was time for the other to start.

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