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Friday, October 19, 2018

Vampire Friday: Vampire Heart 195

Welcome to a new part of Vampire Heart unedited. Have you been bitten yet?Sign up to be part of our awesome Vampire Friday blog hop team! You know you want to!

Summary of the previous episodes: Viorel has been tortured by his supposed family who wanted to have him burn in the sun. Strangely enough the sun didn't burn him as expected but Viorel has no memory of who he is. Following the advises of his supposed father, he left Sighișoara and is now traveling to the West. After some skirmish in a previous city, he found refuge on a boat. Viorel is now in Vienna. The little problem is that the guy at the inn was a bit of an asshole and helped capture Viorel thinking he was a vampire, which he is but nobody needs to know. Now there is a huge man (which I call the colossi) taking care of Viorel and a priest. They brought a girl. Torture my holy water... Fail. Viorel managed to confuse everyone, now he would like to get out of here. But the girl seems pretty useless. They still managed to escape and he left the girl to the care of the boat lady before going back to have two words with his captors but his power of persuasion were failing him. The priest wanted to crack a deal but Viorel is not really up to help his enemies. He finally got some blood but he can't risk to stay in Vienna. He travel to Linz were he stays a bit to learn German.
Viorel wanted to go to Praha but redirect himself toward Augsburg instead where he wants to get a horse, except that the horses are a bit scared of his vampirism and maybe something else. Viorel is really not a horse expert. Then he comes into an altercation with couple of people, he wants some fear in his blood. The girl Viorel has found seemed to enjoy the game. Viorel prepares for the nightmares that come with a feast of blood, in a rush to leave, he cross the dukedom of Lorrain.
We introduced Sorina, three weeks after the beginning of Viorel's escape.
Viorel dreamed of Sorina and woke up not really remembering anything. Traveling to Paris, he arrives at "La cour des miracles". He is rescued by a stranger who turned out to be Nicolas Flamel, the alchemist he was looking for. Nicolas does some strange experiment without Viorel's agreement. Some people are looking for Nicolas's secrets. On the other side of Europe, Sorina awakes and Viorel's past in haunting him. Viorel discovered that he can change into a wolf but that's not the easiest thing to handle.

Now, let's continue with Vampire Heart, right where we left of last week.

Now watched,” he said as he opened the little red box to get the philosopher stone, it was cover with a tissue so that his healthy hand wouldn’t have to have contact with it directly on the skin. He pressed the uncovered part of the stone with the finger tips of the index finger on his bleeding hand. The cut started to form itself back, the blood which had leaked out seemed to be absorbed back into the palm, not sucked up by the cut by vanishing through Nicolas skin. When it finished I noticed that the blood which had leaked on the desk was still there. Nicolas showed me his hand again and I looked at the big featured, they were identical. The philosopher stone had reversed the process of cutting there was no scare, but there was more than that, it wasn’t a regression like rejuvenescence predicted at first, it was real reparation like Nicolas had explain.
You’re right, it’s repairing the body, making not recreating cells from nothing or turning back in time, it’s actually using the material at hand to make it better,” I said amazed.
Nicolas smiled and replaced the stone on its cushion in the little red box.
What is left for me to figure out is how it actually works, what is the mechanism behind such phenomena, I need to understand what is happening to every cell, how it propagates from my finger tips to the cut so fast and how it is able to target what the problem is,” Nicolas said.
Please tell me how to make a philosopher stone, I will create one and keep a diary of what happens with every single use which I could send you in few years when the vampires are long gone from Praha,” I said.

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Rebecca Alvastaria Azone Doll Review (with video)

Here is Rebecca from the Azone Alvastaria series. She is the last doll out so far though Azone Already announced 2 new characters one who was already on pre-order and one who will be up next month, and 2 new versions of Milo. This one is very particular, once again, she is a creation of Victorian Circus, like all the Alvastaria dolls. She has the cutest little face and I really like her coloring. 

Here is the video

And here are some pictures

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Thursday, October 18, 2018

Thursday Fiction 189: Parallel Slip

Welcome back to a new part of Parallel Slip, where we follow the adventures of Frederique through her slip in different parallel universes.
Let's start right where we left off last week.

"I have several proposition for justification," I said. I went to take a piece of paper and a pen on her desk.
"The cost is the same if I take 10 or 20 classes so it's better to take more and not to waste money.
With extra credit, I'll have a better credibility when applying for jobs.
People like to see that you have broad interests especially in the first years but are still able to specialize on something later."
"Right," Amy said reading. "I'm not sure that will suffice but I can still try it out."
"It's too late to change again." I said winking and she smiled.
"Technically I could..."
"But they don't know and don't need to know and you don't have to go because they can't force you or put a knife under your throat for you to go.
"They could send Alex..."
"He can't sign for you and I don't think that secretary would let me, especially that I'll be stalking him at class all days long."
Amy laughed.

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Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Wednesday Snippet 192: Blue Angel

Welcome to a new part of Blue Angel unedited, we start right where we left off last time.

“I'm never coming here again, this is the last time, I have to bear with it.” He said his finger tightening on the door handle.
He put a smile on his face before opening and was greeted by the cold wind. A corridor with column on the side instead of a protective wall had nothing to do in this weather. If he was god himself, he would have kicked the ass of the architect who dared make such a prank on them. People were already walking toward the prayer hall, all looking the same, all dressed the same with the white gone and heavy feathered wings rigidly erected in their back. He put up his hood over his face before locking the door and following them. It was the only comfortable thing here, today, nobody was going to recognize him, it would be peaceful and quiet.
They queued to enter the church and the queue was long. From where he stood Isakael couldn't even see the door and more of them were arriving taking their place in order. They were the most well behaved people he had ever seen. Nobody talked, he placed his hands in his opposide sleeves like a monk, mimicking them. Them were looking at the ground. It was nothing like a human gathering. When he was in the human world, he would complain at people trying to speed up to walk ahead in the store to pay first, he would complained at the queue in front of the cinema when people would be chatting so loudly and happily before buying their tickets. But in this World everything was too white and too quite. It was supposed to feel reposing but it was more oppressing. I wondered what would happen if he try to pass people to get on ahead. They would probably feel offended, but he had no idea what they would do to him if he was to break the rules.

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