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Showing posts with label Attic Mirror. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Attic Mirror. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Attic Mirror: Hump Day Hook 24

Last week's Hump Day Hook was a bit that as there was only one other participant. So this will be my last Hump Day Hook post until something happens in the group to recall the participant to actually "participate."  But don't worry, there will be something awesome coming up next Wednesday to feel in so don't forget to come over to have a look.
Here is the new part of Attic Mirror
If you miss my other hooks, they can all be found here.

Attic Mirror is available as a kindle on amazon here and as a pdf on Etsy here and in a lot of format on smashwords here

This time we start on Chapter 2 and Hitomi is back from the attic... she looks a bit, dusty and it seems that her little siblings are waiting for her stories.

The younger children really liked when Hitomi was sitting in the living room after dinner and started with a “hum, hum” sound. Every time they heard that they were running near her and as soon as they were all ready, sitting around, she started to read her new story.
“Not today,” Hitomi said, “I didn't write that much, I have other things to do in the library.”
The twins looked a bit disappointed making her feel a bit bad, her fans could be really demanding.
“But I'm on something big”, she added. “It's going to take longer than usual but it will be the best story ever and as soon as I'm finished you'll be the first one to know. What about that?”
“That's true,” Elian asked his eyes full of hope.
Hitomi noted.
“Is there going to be a lot of monsters,” Elios asked a bit scared.
“Yeah, monsters and dinosaurs,” Elian pleaded. 
If Elios was the more courageous of the two in most situations he was scared of monsters, and very often his older siblings had to go check that there was nothing in his room when he woke up after a nightmare in the middle of the night. That’s why Hitomi was skipping the scary part of the story when it was getting late. At the contrary, Elian was a huge fan of dinosaurs and was talking about them most of the time but he was scared of noises.
“No I don't think so,” Hitomi said making Elian's smile disappear and a sigh of relieve escaping Elios, “But there will be strange animals, just nice ones.”
“It's going to be funnier,” Elios said, “like a green dog which can speak or something.”
“With big huge horns on his head like a triceratops,” Elian added putting his hands on his head mimicking the triceratops in question and pointing at Elios.
The little boy started to giggle.
“Hey, that tickles,” he said getting up.

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Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Attic Mirror: Hump Day Hook 23

I missed Hump Day Hook on the first Wednesday of the year but here I am, again back, with a new part of Attic Mirror. Find the other writers here.
If you miss my other hooks, they can all be found here.

Attic Mirror is available as a kindle on amazon here and as a pdf on Etsy here and in a lot of format on smashwords here

This time we start on Chapter 2 and Hitomi is back from the attic... she looks a bit, dusty.

When she walked out of the attics, the house seemed really quiet, everybody was in the kitchen for diner and she was already late. They all looked at her when she entered the kitchen and started to laugh. She hadn't realized how dirty she was before they made her notice. She promised herself to start cleaning the attics the next day if she didn't want to end up like that all the time. She had decided to spend all her time here now and was really excited about meeting with Demian again. It was way funnier than the training she had been doing so far by observing people in the street, there was something recurrent about them and Demian was so full of novelty. She had to go wash herself before being allowed to eat. She wasn't really hungry. She was thinking too much about what was going to happen the next morning to be able to notice if she was hungry or not. She ate what was in her plate without even noticing it. She had so many questions about Teneria that she was thinking about writing them all down. It was really strange to think that a completely different world could be so close, in your own house. She couldn't find any explanations to it. If she liked science better or asked Ethan about it he would probably figure out how it was possible. But she didn't really care. All she knew was that Demian was there and real and that she had never had that much fun in her entire life.
“You're strange tonight”, Elian said.
“She is thinking obviously”, Elios, his twin brother answered.
They were almost indistinguishable, Elios's hair was just a little bit darker but in the sun nobody would notice.
“Yes, I'm thinking”, Hitomi answered.
“About what?” Elian asked again.
“Are you going to tell us a new story soon?” Elios said.
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Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Attic Mirror: Hump Day Hook 22


Merry Christmas!!!

I don't have a Christmasy story to tell you because my Christmas story called "Dark Wings" hasn't been written yet. It has been in project for years but still hasn't made it to the current-project and it's still in the waiting-to-be-written list. Anyway, there is a little clue about it in Attic mirror, but of course you can't notice it unless you read both. :P

Anyway, as it's Wednesday again, it's time for  Hump Day Hook again. Find the other writers here.
If you miss my other hooks, they can all be found here.

Attic Mirror is finally available as a kindle on amazon here and as a pdf on Etsy here and on smashwords here

Let's continue with Attic Mirror, we start again just where we left off. Today it's a little longer than usual because I wanted to reach the end of Chapter 1.

Hitomi was completely taken aback by the story. Of course she had been reading a lot of books about explorations and travels but she had never thought that she might one day meet someone who had been close to one of the explorers. In her world everything had been explored a long time ago and there were no real explorers left or unknown places like the ones Demian had been describing.
“Why are you saying nothing?” Demian asked after few minutes. “You don’t believe me?”
“That’s not it, it’s just….” Hitomi started but he had gotten up in a hurry before she could finish and was now rummaging around his desk’s drawer.
“I have evidences right here”, he said bringing his treasure near the mirror. “It’s my grand-father’s expedition diary.”
Hitomi took a close look at the little notebook in his hand. It was yellowish and with brown stains as if it had been carried down from the mountains. Demian opened it slowly in front of her being extremely careful.
“I believed you”, she said, “Just in my world we don’t really have explorers anymore.”
“So how do you explore?” Demian asked in disbelief.
“Everything has been explored so we send robots in the space to look at other planets”, Hitomi said still looking very interested at the notes of Demian’s grand-father.
“What? it’s amazing, that means that you made something that can fly that high”, Demian said.
Hitomi raised her eyes to look at him wondering if he was still serious, but after all if they didn’t have cars maybe their technology wasn’t as advanced as the one in her world. Curiously she started to think that she had always imagined other worlds to have big computers and flying saucers everywhere, she had never thought that it could be the contrary. She took the dictionary and opened it at the page describing the planes. There was a little summary of aviation’s history and Demian started to read it.
“It’s the plane”, she said, “to go to space we need rockets like this one.”
She turned the page to find a rocket but the dictionary was too old, so she started to draw one.
“Can that fly?” Demian asked.
“Well they go straight up and then I’m not too sure, they use gravity maybe”, Hitomi said. “I’ll get you a better book, we have a lot.”
“I wish I could borrow this book already”, he finally said pointing at the dictionary. “Your world seems so fascinating.”
“I could say the same”, Hitomi said a bit surprise as for her, her world was just normal.
“You’re kidding”, Demian said, “There is nothing that interesting here, just the Ylocs and the race and…”
“And the explorer, it’s all new to me you know”, Hitomi said.
“Does it mean that you are going to come see me again sometimes?” Demian asked with a voice betraying a kind of hope.
“Oh, yes, all the time”, Hitomi said getting excited not even noticing how happy her answered made Demian, “That way you’ll tell me everything about Teneria and I’ll put it all in a book.”
“I think you’ll need a lot of books to put everything”, Demian answered laughing.
“Then I’ll just take few notes and I’ll write an adventure novel in Teneria about an explorer like your grand-father”, Hitomi said.
“With lots of Ylocs, because I know everything about them so I can teach you”, Demian said.
Hitomi smiled she was already ready to start listening to him again. She really liked the way he had told her his grand-father story and she thought it would need just more details to make a great story that everyone would like to read. They were starting to make plans when they heard a voice coming from Demian’s house.
“Demian. It’s diner time, how come you haven’t set the dishes on the table yet?”
Demian looked at Hitomi a bit annoyed.
“It’s my mum, I have to go. Will you be here when I come back?” he asked.
Hitomi looked at her watch.
“Oh, no, it’s so late already, they will be looking for me everywhere, I think I have to go to”, she said.
Demian looked a bit sad again, he was hoping that the evening would have a different ending or no ending at all.
“But I’ll be back tomorrow”, she added quickly with a smile.
“See you tomorrow then”, he said getting up not really sure if he could believe her or not.
Hitomi looked at him going out of his room. She had never noticed before but the walls were full of posters of Yloc’s races and he had books about Ylocs everywhere on his shelves. For sure he was passionate. She put the red cover back on the mirror and dusted herself a little.

As today is Christmas, here is a little bonus for you, an old video of me reading the beginning of 
Attic Mirror.


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Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Attic Mirror: Hump Day Hook 21

It's Wednesday and time for Hump Day Hook again. Find the other writers here. I'm not participating to Mid-week tease anymore because I find it so troublesome to have the registration at different place all the time and to have to go look for it as it is never announced somewhere easy. 
If you miss my other hooks, they can all be found here.

Attic Mirror is available as a kindle on amazon here and as a pdf on Etsy here and on smashwords here

Let's continue with Attic Mirror, we start again just where we left off. Demian continues talking about his grand-father.
He came back to the camp an hour later, the men were tired and wanted to get back home, the food had already started to go missing and they had nowhere to find some. But my grand-father didn’t give up and he ordered to pack. It’s how he started his hunt for the red Yloc. Not to say how many people had lost their life in the mountain running for such folly already. They started to walk with their yellow Ylocs deeper and deeper in the mountains knowing that each step further was one more to go back. They walked for days sometimes leaving some of the weaker men and Ylocs in camps on the road. They were all saying that it was folly and some started to go back but my grand-father wouldn’t listen. You see the red Yloc was calling him in his dreams with his very special voice. He could see it and almost touch it and he continued to walk despite the hunger, the thirst and the fact that his best men had already given up. He knew where he was going even if he didn’t have any maps of the region. During his travel he went further than any other human being had been before him. He already knew that it was already extraordinary but the connection with the red Yloc was way stronger than that. After days of climbing all alone in the coldest mountains you can imagine, when he thought that his lungs were going to explode by lack of oxygen, he arrived at the summit of the highest Eastern Mountains and they were there. The red Ylocs, an all bunch of them, not even scared, as it was probably the first time they ever saw a human in their life.
He said that he sat on the floor to cry and that an Yloc came to him to drink his tears. He came back down of the mountain triumphal on the back of his red Yloc, the first red Yloc ever tamed by a man. His name was Flash, because he was faster than the fastest blue Ylocs. And he was followed by a group of red Ylocs to the village. It took years for the red Yloc specie to be accepted as such. Apparently you need three generations of Yloc of the same color and you need to have them reproduce with the other Ylocs too, which was pretty difficult as the Ylocs tend to attack and kill the ones looking a bit different. The yellow and blue Ylocs had never seen red ones before and same for the red ones who had only been staying together. My grand-father was fulminating. My grand-mother said that waiting killed him before his time. The rules had been invented by merchants who wanted to keep the monopole of selling Ylocs’ eggs for themselves. Nobody had ever heard of such rules before. Anyway in the end the red Ylocs were accepted as such and this is how my grand-father entered in history,” he finished.

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Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Attic Mirror: Hump Day Hook 20

It's Wednesday  and I thought it was Tuesday and I even thought tomorrow was Thursday without Wednesday in between. My brain, my brain. Anyway, it's Hump Day Hook again. Find the other writers here. It's also Mid-Week Tease, you can find the other writers here.
If you miss my other hooks, they can all be found here.

Attic Mirror is finally available as a kindle on amazon here and as a pdf on Etsy here and on smashwords here

Let's continue with Attic Mirror, we start again just where we left off. Hitomi and Demian are having an Yloc conversation and the red Ylocs are somehow very special for Demian...

Yes, blue, yellow or red”, Demian answered, “They are used for different things depending on the colour. The blue are very strong, they are good at everything and really fast, few of the others are used in races because except with a very intensive training they wouldn’t beat a blue Yloc. The yellow are used in the mines because they are good at digging in case of accident and they can’t be used on the boats because they are terrible swimmers. The red are the best in the mountain, they are good at climbing and they are good at swimming too. My grand father discovered them”, he said proudly.
“What do you mean discovered them?” Hitomi asked.
“Before, there was no red Ylocs on the coast. My grand father was an explorer just like his dad and grand-dad and my dad too. He went to explore the huge mountains of the East which nobody ever came back from before. People thought that they didn’t come back because they died but my grand-father thought that they didn’t come back because they had found a better place to live up there. He was wrong. But anyway, he went there and one morning as the sun was getting up very slowly on the mountain he heard it, the legendary red Yloc. He ran to try to take a look at it but nothing. The Yloc was too far away and the echoes only, in the mountain had carried his voice to him”, he started to tell, his voice carrying more and more mystery and excitement as he went.
Hitomi was mute and all ears. He continued...”

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Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Attic Mirror: Hump Day Hook 19

It's Wednesday  and I thought it was Tuesday and I even thought tomorrow was Thursday without Wednesday in between. My brain, my brain. Anyway, it's Hump Day Hook again. Find the other writers here. It's also Mid-Week Tease, you can find the other writers here.
If you miss my other hooks, they can all be found here.

Attic Mirror is finally available as a kindle on amazon here and as a pdf on Etsy here and on smashwords here

Let's continue with Attic Mirror. Hitomi and Demian are having an Yloc talk and last week Hitomi asked how they can do everything with Ylocs.

We start to train them when they are little and then they carry things and people, pull wagons and you can explore the mountains or use them on boats, they bring the food and mail to the cities and they can race too,” he explained.
“Wah,” Hitomi said. “No wonder you found it strange that I didn’t know about them.”
“At first I thought you were just joking and then that you have received a shock on your head or something,” he said laughing.
“I can imagine,” Hitomi said laughing too “Do you have one?”
“I wish, I’m supposed to get one this year but the eggs are really expensive, so I saved money but I’m not sure my parents will afford it,” he said looking a bit ashamed and then jumped to get a picture on his night table. “It’s my father with Araham, his Yloc.”
“So they can be different colours?” Hitomi asked interested, she was thinking that she never had seen blue animals in her world except for some frogs and butterflies but butterflies didn’t really count.

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Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Attic Mirror: Hump Day Hook 18

It's Wednesday  and I thought it was Tuesday and I even thought tomorrow was Thursday without Wednesday in between. My brain, my brain. Anyway, it's Hump Day Hook again. Find the other writers here. It's also Mid-Week Tease, you can find the other writers here.
If you miss my other hooks, they can all be found here.

Attic Mirror is finally available as a kindle on amazon here and as a pdf on Etsy here and on smashwords here

Last week as there was no Hump Day Hook I gave you a Tease for Blue Angel.
This time, we will continue with Attic Mirror. Hitomi and Demian are having an Yloc talk which degenerate to an ostrich talk

“Of course not! Animals don’t carry things, especially ostriches. We have cars and trucks for that”, she answered.
In front of his bland look she started flipping the pages of the dictionary again.
“It’s a car”, she said.
“And you can go inside?” he asked.
“Sure”, she said pointing at the different parts, “here you have the driver and here and here the passengers.” And she turned the pages to show him a truck.
“How do you feed them? They must eat a lot”, he said.
“Well we use gasoline. It’s a sort of black and nauseating liquid. You put inside and it makes it run for a while”, Hitomi said.
“So you don’t need anything to pull it?” Demian asked.
“No, it works mechanically”, Hitomi said.
“It’s good because it looks really heavy, I wonder how many Ylocs would be needed to move it”, Demian said looking at the picture and then at his own book.
“It is really heavy”, Hitomi said nodding.
“It looks cool though, I would like to try getting in sometimes. Here we do everything with the Ylocs”, he said.
“How do you do that?” she asked.

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Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Attic Mirror: Hump Day Hook 17

 It's Wednesday Hump Day Hook again. Find the other writers here. It's also Mid-Week Tease, you can find the other writers here.
If you miss my other hooks, they can all be found here.

Attic Mirror is finally available as a kindle on amazon here and as a pdf on Etsy here and on smashwords here

We will continue with Attic Mirror. Hitomi and Demian are having an Yloc talk which degenerate to an ostrich talk

It looks pretty much like a sort of ostrich,” she said turning her head in front of the picture of a strange blue bird like animal with fur instead of feathers.
“Except for the ears and tail,” she added. “They look more like cat’s ears and tail”.
She said the last one slowly looking up at Demian.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he said finally giving up on pretending for good. There was no need to try impressing her anymore. “I guess we are going to have few problems to communicate.”
“Wait,” she said.
She got up to get a very old and dusty illustrated dictionary she had noticed on the shelves earlier. She sat back in front of the mirror, rubbed the cover and started to look for an ostrich.
“Here you go, this is an ostrich,” she said proud of herself. 
She didn’t know what she was proud about really but teaching something was making her feel good.
“It looks funny, it doesn’t seem to have very strong legs, are you really using it to carry things?” he asked.

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Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Attic Mirror: Hump Day Hook 16

 It's Wednesday Hump Day Hook again. Find the other writers here. It's also Mid-Week Tease, you can find the other writers here.
If you miss my other hooks, they can all be found here.

Attic Mirror is finally available as a kindle on amazon here and as a pdf on Etsy here and on smashwords here

We will continue with Attic Mirror. Hitomi and Demian are having an Yloc talk...

Hitomi was finishing copying his part of the inscription.
“I’ll see if I can find something about it in the library latter on”, she said, “Now can you finally explain me about this Yloc thing and Teneria.”
“Only if you explain me about Japanese”, he said smiling.
“I knew I wasn’t the only one not knowing anything”, she answered relieved.
“I thought you were a normal girl so I couldn’t be stupider than you”, he answered defensively.
“But I’m a normal girl”, she said, “So what changed?”
“You’re different. You’re not from here, all the other girls I know are. So you’re kind of special”, he said blushing a little before opening his book to an Yloc picture to change conversation. He was feeling a bit uncomfortable.
“This is an Yloc”, he said happily.

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Thursday, October 31, 2013

Hump Day Hook: Halloween Special

I know you already had a Hump Day Hook post yesterday and now you are probably asking yourself: "What the hell is she doing?" Or not cause I don't know what's in your head actually. But anyway, yesterday I was a little bit confused because it was Hump Day Hook and we also planned the Halloween Special and nobody seemed to be willing to play with me yesterday so I just decided to write a new special post for HALLOWEEN cause otherwise I wouldn't have written anythings special and just forget Halloween all together at least on the virtual side of my life. OK but enough explanation, here is the Hook! (Other spooky hooks here)

Here is an extract of Teresa's diary from Attic Mirror. 

Friday 3rd August 1923

I couldn’t write about what happened yesterday last night. My hands were shaking too much. Thinking about it, my heart is still shaking now and I’m not sure I will finish all I have to say in one go. Samantha got me a black dress as soon as we were sure that everybody else would be sleeping. It was about midnight and very dark. I’m not use to wear that kind of sexy outfit but she said that the spirits generally like it. While I dressed up, she had drawn some symbols with a chalk on my bedroom floor, under a carpet so that we could hide them with it afterwards. She told me to sit in front of her in the circle and started to enlighten candles and saying strange things. I knew I had to be quiet and concentrate. I didn’t know on what I was supposed to concentrate so I just followed her moves. It was a bit comical at that point at least. She opened a piece of paper with an alphabet on it and Yes and No and put it in the middle of the circle between us with a glass upside down on it. She started to hold it with two fingers of her left hand and I added mine on it as well. Then she asked.
Spirits are you here?” I almost wanted to laugh. I would probably have laughed if she hadn’t been so scary all along.
And the glass moved to the Yes. I thought it was Samantha moving it like a bad joke but then she asked again “What’s your name?” and the glass moved to the letters, she even removed her fingers as the spirit in the glass seemed so powerful and it continue to move as she wrote. “Sam Grant”.
She asked “When did you die?” and the spirit answered “silly question.”
Samantha had a little laugh.
I was really getting scared why couldn’t we have found the spirit of a nice grand-mother or of a writer or artist, why did it have to be a criminal?
But Samantha seemed to be really enjoying it.
Do you know magic?”
Can you teach me?”
What do you want?”
Open a passage between two worlds” she said looking at my scared face proudly, her magic was working.
Which world?” the spirit said.
Samantha had an interrogating look on her face. I gathered my courage and thought about David.
Do you know Teneria?” I asked.
Stay away of Teneria or you’ll die,” the spirit started to write but I could hear the words resonating in my head as I felt the glass shaking my hand, arm and my all body. I wasn’t myself anymore. I was pushed away of myself by something coming from the glass. I remember seeing Samantha sizing the glass and throwing it at the wall and then nothing. I woke up in my bed. Samantha was shaking me to bring me back to consciousness. My checks and chin were wet with saliva. I finally muttered that I was fine but my head was hurting like hell and Samantha started to laugh and to tell me how awesome it had been and that she had never seen it happen this way before. All I could do was to…

Attic Mirror is finally available as a kindle on amazon here and as a pdf on Etsy here and on smashwords here.  

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