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Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Attic Mirror: Hump Day Hook 24

Last week's Hump Day Hook was a bit that as there was only one other participant. So this will be my last Hump Day Hook post until something happens in the group to recall the participant to actually "participate."  But don't worry, there will be something awesome coming up next Wednesday to feel in so don't forget to come over to have a look.
Here is the new part of Attic Mirror
If you miss my other hooks, they can all be found here.

Attic Mirror is available as a kindle on amazon here and as a pdf on Etsy here and in a lot of format on smashwords here

This time we start on Chapter 2 and Hitomi is back from the attic... she looks a bit, dusty and it seems that her little siblings are waiting for her stories.

The younger children really liked when Hitomi was sitting in the living room after dinner and started with a “hum, hum” sound. Every time they heard that they were running near her and as soon as they were all ready, sitting around, she started to read her new story.
“Not today,” Hitomi said, “I didn't write that much, I have other things to do in the library.”
The twins looked a bit disappointed making her feel a bit bad, her fans could be really demanding.
“But I'm on something big”, she added. “It's going to take longer than usual but it will be the best story ever and as soon as I'm finished you'll be the first one to know. What about that?”
“That's true,” Elian asked his eyes full of hope.
Hitomi noted.
“Is there going to be a lot of monsters,” Elios asked a bit scared.
“Yeah, monsters and dinosaurs,” Elian pleaded. 
If Elios was the more courageous of the two in most situations he was scared of monsters, and very often his older siblings had to go check that there was nothing in his room when he woke up after a nightmare in the middle of the night. That’s why Hitomi was skipping the scary part of the story when it was getting late. At the contrary, Elian was a huge fan of dinosaurs and was talking about them most of the time but he was scared of noises.
“No I don't think so,” Hitomi said making Elian's smile disappear and a sigh of relieve escaping Elios, “But there will be strange animals, just nice ones.”
“It's going to be funnier,” Elios said, “like a green dog which can speak or something.”
“With big huge horns on his head like a triceratops,” Elian added putting his hands on his head mimicking the triceratops in question and pointing at Elios.
The little boy started to giggle.
“Hey, that tickles,” he said getting up.

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