Welcome back to Wednesday Snippet. This week, we continue with Fairy World unedited just where we left off last week.
That was the side effect of the grounding with the diving into someone's mind. To ground her the person would have to see what she saw inside and to keep their mind on the present moment and surrounding.
"Better have a quiet place," the dark shadow said.
"No actually, better have a place where anything can happen to make sure she will stay right open and not interfere with my mind," Brownie said.
"She?" The dark shadow asked. "You're not thinking about taking that demon girl with you, are you?"
"Evalynn? For all hell sake are you crazy?" Brownie said walking toward the door of the library. The air in the corridor was chilly.
"Then who?" The dark shadow said sliding under the door Brownie had just closed.
She smirked and even from the shadow's insane demonic mind, that smirk had nothing reassuring.
You can now find all the Snippets of Fairy World on this blog right here.
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