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Thursday, November 11, 2021

Thursday Fiction 324: Parallel Slip: Rebel

Welcome back to a new Thursday Fiction. We continue to follow Isabelle as she figure out who she really is.


Isabelle didn't recognize herself in the mirror. She had dark brown eyes, almost black and black hair like a raven. It happened sometimes that she would be different, so that sometimes she would thing that she wasn't inside of herself but inside of a different person instead, but she had never been as beautiful as this girl looked like. But at least that explained the cardinal red dress and black cape she was wearing. 


Her other self fixed her hair to the side behind her ear and placed the mirror back in her pocket. Her friend open a barrier's gate and they crossed to the road. 


“My shoes are in a state,” the friend said. “Why do we always have to cross through the field?” 


“Who is being a coquet now?” Isabelle said. 


The girls laughed.


“You know it's a lot easier to escape when we take the field,” Isabelle said.


“Not always.” 


That was a voice Isabelle would recognize everywhere. 


“Mother,” she said curtsying. 


The woman was an older version of herself, just like Isabelle's mother in her universe was an older version of her. 


“I dare say you are even more reckless than I ever imagined you to be,” Isabelle's mother continued. She was standing really straight and really still, Her hands holding on each other near her stomach. It seemed to be the appropriate behavior for this universe and for the dress she was wearing. 


“Becky,” she said, “Would you mind taking the road back? I need a word with my daughter in private.”


Becky, the name didn't ring a bell but Isabelle had once more forgotten to search for information in her other self memory, too happy to be running out door when she had been grounded in her room for four days now. 


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