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Sunday, April 25, 2021

WeWriWar 345: The House at the Crossing 53

Hello everybody and welcome for a new Sunday of writing with Weekend Writing Warrior and Snippet Sunday!
How are you doing? 

Let's continue with  "The House at the Crossing" and it's a prequel to Demon Soul and the demon series. It's a bit of a mix of Fantasy and Science-fiction.
It follows one of the books more obscure character as she first comes into the House. It's supposed to explain why there are so many people is the house and sort of where they come from and at the same time be a first time adventure for the main character as she needs to adapt to her new role and the new version of who she is. 

Let's start right at where we left off last time, let's meet Wendy.  

I’m holding Malicia and I have to admit I'm staring at Wendy too. She is dressed like your average teenager with jeans and a baggy white hoody sweater but the rest of her is totally different. She has dog like ears a bit higher than the ears of a human would be. They are partially hidden by her electric blue hair, short for the most part but with longer braid finished with beats and bells which have my son really interested. Her eyes are flashy green with a split in the middle instead of a pupil. That's actually my clue. I give Malicia to Aunt Teresa and take Hiroshi from the new girl. Her furry tail comes to the front of her body and she grabs it in her hand as if she feels distraught.

“I wasn't going to bite him, I swear,” she says revealing rather pointed teeth.

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  1. I don't think I'd be too confident that she wasn't going to bite him. Don't pointy teeth usually indicated biting and tearing? :-)

  2. She's certainly an interesting new resident of the house! I'm not sure I'd trust her with a baby yet either. Great snippet!

  3. With a name like Malicia, I predict nothing good will come of having her as a housemate.

  4. I'd love to spend a day at this house - it seems like there's no shortage of interesting people to interact with.

  5. Not sure I would trust her, either.
