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Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Wednesday Snippet 292: Blue Angel

Welcome to a new part of Blue Angel unedited, we start right where we left off last week.     



This week we are with Torsti and Odeon.

“They why don't we just go in town and get a map or ask around?” Torsti said.

“I saw what happened last time we went, and beside, we can't possibly get a map of the underground, they use it because nobody else knows about it,” Odeon answered.

“Then let's capture one of this guy or follow one like you suggested at first,” Torsti said.

Odeon sighed, it was difficult enough to read the smashed ground, he didn't need to have to entertain his brother with chit-chat at the same time.

“Why don't you go explore the environs to see if you find something while I dive a little bit deeper?” He said sitting on the ground in lotus position and trying to relax.

“Yeah, I'll do that,” Torsti said putting his hammer back on his shoulder and walking away in the direction where he had seen Lonan being taken away. He just needed to follow the collapsed ground. The guy who had made the earthquake was really something even though he hadn't been part of the first fight. Torsti once again started to wonder who these people were and why they ended up in a cave to save a human.

Odeon closed his eyes and took a deep breathe. He was finally alone in the forest, the wind was caressing his cheek, it wasn't hot, nor cold, it was the start of Autumn, a season he particularly like because in the North where he came from it meant that the winter was coming with it's heavy snow and days sitting nearby the fire in the center of their house.

He placed both hands flat on the ground in front of him and sensed the texture of the ground, the stones and the earth just like his father had taught him. The earth had a story, a memory and was always talking to who wanted to listen, his father had said. Odeon needed to listen first before he could ask to the earth what he needed to know. He breathed slowly, trying to take the rhythm of the nature surrounding him. It started slowly with the ground getting warm on his skin, the dust moving around his hand, the wave from the ground propagating into his arms to his entire body, inviting him to get deeper and deeper in communion with earth. A flow of images passed in his consciousness, a lot of blood, a lot of tears, a lot of pain. He could hear the dead crying, it was almost unbearable, the dead crying, prisoners of the ground unable to reached up to be saved and to be reborn.


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