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Thursday, January 14, 2021

Thursday Fiction 285: Parallel Slip

Welcome back to a new part of Parallel Slip, where we follow the adventures of Frederique through her slip in different parallel universes.


Let's start right where we left off last week, with Frederique fainting into a different universe.


I blinked three times to make sure I wasn't with Alex anymore. I could still hear his voice at first and then the noises of my own world vanished to leave only place to the wind blowing in my hair, the river flowing down in front of me, the birds peeping and the twig snapping under my feet as I walked. I stopped near the river and looked around. It was the farm universe, there was not doubt about it, but it seemed different. My hands weren't dirty and scorched and my clothes looked a lot better too. This version of me didn't help her mother grow vegetables, that was a certainty. But the wood was familiar, I had been there before. I looked around, trying to figure out why I had been dragged here from my world. My other self was alone in the wood. I sat on a stone where I had sat many times before. The wind blew on my face and I felt the tears on my chicks.  Another version of me in distress, I couldn't help myself from thinking and I sighed. I had no idea where I was and I had no idea why she was crying and I couldn't really feel any connection with her. If it wasn't for the wind I wouldn't have known she had been crying.
Did I just come here to invalidate my new theory that strong emotions were the reason why I could communicate with the other me?
"Julie, here you are," someone said behind me.
I turned around and my dad stood there in front of me. Julie, that was a new one, I didn't recall being called Julie before, this was my first Julie version of me. I was Michelle or Frederique and I knew the reason for that, who could have decided to call me Julie. Oh, that was the name of my great-grand mother, on my father side. Great so I had a dad related name which meant a universe where my dad wasn't completely out of my life and of course one of the reason why he was here in front of me.
"I told you it would be a bad idea," my father said.


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