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Thursday, December 31, 2020

Thursday Fiction 284: Parallel Slip

Welcome back to a new part of Parallel Slip, where we follow the adventures of Frederique through her slip in different parallel universes.

Picture by Genty on Pixabay

 Let's start right where we left off last week.

"You mean that you are not using your other self's brain when you are in her body but still your own?"
"That would make sense wouldn't it? I can recall my memories but not theirs because I'm taping into my own brain, I can still sort of breath and have a heart beat and whatever bodily function are necessary during my black out state because my brain is still going here, and most of all, I have the brain scan showing activity in my brain and not activities I would have if I fainted. When you faint you have less blood coming to your body remember, and all sort of pre-black out side effect that I miss because, my brain is still highly active. So the theory here is. I black out and my consciousness is filled by the perception of the other universe. My brain is still active and reactive to the new reality and I'm still using it at the same time I am connected to my other selves bodies but not to their brain which remain two separates entities. And we can break the barrier between our two brains and communicate with each other. Now, all I need to figure out is how to break the barrier whenever I want to talk to the other me. That's brilliant."
I was so proud of myself for figure it out this far.
"So you mean your bodies, brain included, are separated on the material plan above Plank constant level because you can't physically travel to a parallel universe but under that level your minds are attached because you find yourself in a different body. Your brains are still separated on an atomic level because yours is functioning here without your consciousness really in it but you think you can communicate with the other mind of your other self because..."
Alex caught me at the top of the stairs before I could fall. We weren't too far from the first class room and I hoped that was where he would be taking me.

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