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Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Wednesday Snippet 272: Blue Angel

Welcome to a new part of Blue Angel unedited, we start right where we left off last time.

He put his hand on the cold metal handle of the second door and turned it. The door move slowly, it was unexpectedly a lot heavier than the fist one. The inside of it was covered with a sort of blanket as if someone had been trying to control the noise going out of the office. The room was in contrast clear compare to the entrance, there were two large windows behind the desk,  leading to the cloud garden. 
Isakael looked left and right, the room was empty. He had another sigh of relieve. He walked to the window, he wanted to close the curtains to make sure that nobody would see him from the outside but suddenly stopped himself. He needed to make sure that nobody would notice that someone was in, everything needed to be exactly the same when he would leave than when he had entered.
There was no one in the garden. It was filled with white flowers which had lost their petals on the floor and on the pond as if it was snow. A chill passed through Isakael's back, he didn't have time to admire the view which was reserved for higher rank angel he needed to find something and to get out of here and home as soon as possible.
He turned to the desk, it was all clear, there was no paper, no notes of any kind. He wondered if someone was actually using it. There was a blue set in the center to protect the expensive wooden furniture from unexpected pen marks. There was a small case on the right side. Isakael opened it without moving it. It only contained an old fancy fountain pen and two ink supplies. Isakael wondered who still wrote with that kind of thing. He had never expected Ezechiel to be that kind of old fashioned person. One the left there was a bible, King James edition, bound with red tainted leather with gold letters. Isakael opened it, hoping to find some annotation to give him a clue but there was nothing. Ezechiel was a very careful man, this version didn't seemed to have been read and Isakael wonder why it was even in English, that was very strange.

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