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Thursday, July 9, 2020

Thursday Fiction 271: Parallel Slip

Welcome back to a new part of Parallel Slip, where we follow the adventures of Frederique through her slip in different parallel universes.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
Let's start right where we left off last week.

"Sure I would love to take over Michelle's body though, if she wasn't two dimensional," Billy said.
Alex laughed at the joke and wash the pans. I couldn't wait to be out of here. The big thing is when you spend half of your time at the hospital and the rest sitting in classes because you are not allowed to the play-ground with the other kids that doesn't really let you develop social skills. I had more social skills with the temporary people in the universes I occasionally visited than in this one. I didn't know how to deal with people like Billy.
"Have fun while I'm slaving away on Polish history," Billy said walking out with his microwaved pizza.
"Sure we will," Alex answered.
He turned to me and smiled.
"You know he won't eat you, you look totally flushed," he said laughing.
"It's not funny, I don't know what to say to him, ever," I answered.
There were many people around here and they tend to come and chat in the kitchen and I would wait in my room and hide to go to the kitchen unless Amy or Alex were with me. I was a hopeless case.
"What's the last history book you read," Alex said.
"I don't think I ever read one unless you count 1421 and Empress Orchid," I said.
"Here you go, you have about the same level as Billy then," Alex said.
"But Polish history?"
"Is what he should be reading but he'll probably just make up something about Marie Curie and Chopin? I've been to his room a couple of time, he has a list of to read books pined to the closet door and only one crossed on it, I never saw a single book in there but he has a lot of empty pizza box and beers."
"Then what am I supposed to say to him?"
"Show him you are having a lot of fun, he likes that and he hates anime," Alex said.
"So when you asked if he wanted to watch, you knew," I said opening big eyes.
"We have more important things to do, tonight is the night when we become statistic experts on parallel worlds and I'm not sharing that with anyone else but you."

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