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Friday, April 15, 2016

Vampire Friday: Vampire Heart 65

Welcome to a new part of Vampire Heart unedited. Have you been bitten yet?
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Summary of the previous episodes: Viorel has been tortured by his supposed family who wanted to have him burn in the sun. Strangely enough the sun didn't burn him as expected but Viorel has no memory of who he is. Following the advises of his supposed father, he left Sighișoara and is now traveling to the West. After some skirmish in a previous city, he found refuge on a boat. Viorel is now in Vienna. The little problem is that the guy at the inn was a bit of an asshole and helped capture Viorel thinking he was a vampire, which he is but nobody needs to know. Now there is a huge man (which I call the colossi) taking care of Viorel and a priest. They brought a girl. Torture my holy water... Fail. Viorel managed to confuse everyone, now he would like to get out of here. But the girl seems pretty useless. They still managed to escape and he left the girl to the care of the boat lady before going back to have two words with his captors but his power of persuasion were failing him. The priest wanted to crack a deal but Viorel is not really up to help his enemies. He finally got some blood but he can't risk to stay in Vienna. He travel to Linz were he stays a bit to learn German.
Viorel wanted to go to Praha but redirect himself toward Augsburg instead where he wants to get a horse, except that the horses are a bit scared of his vampirism and maybe something else. Viorel is really not a horse expert. Then he comes into an altercation with couple of people, he wants some fear in his blood. The girl Viorel has found seemed to enjoy the game. Viorel prepares for the nightmares that come with a feast of blood, in a rush to leave, he cross the dukedom of Lorrain.
We introduced Sorina, three weeks after the beginning of Viorel's escape.  
Viorel dreamed of Sorina and woke up not really remembering anything. Traveling to Paris, he arrives at "La cour des miracles". He is rescued by a stranger who turned out to be Nicolas Flamel, the alchemist he was looking for. Nicolas does some strange experiment without Viorel's agreement. Some people are looking for Nicolas's secrets.
Now, let's continue with Vampire Heart, right where we left of last week
“You really don’t get it”, I said. “We are going for a walk together.” I pushed the thought and they followed. It was easy. They probably wanted a quiet place to kill me anyway instead of the middle of the street. We arrived near the river and in a very narrow street we found a very small wooden door. We entered the large room which smelled heavily like fish. The floor was wet and I had to be careful not to slide on ice or pieces of fishes that had been left there after the market. The walls were made of metal sheet and our step were resonating inside.
“What did you want from them?” I asked. They were one of each side of me. I couldn’t help thinking that it would have been a lot funnier if one of them hadn’t been that scared.
“The same as everybody else, I think you just delayed us a little”, the man with the twisted arm said smirking as if I was small fry for him despite the fact that his arm was probably still painful according to the bizarre angle in which it was bent.
I decided not to fight, I decided to control their mind to make them fight each other. I started with the weaker one, he was already half in shock, his mind was the easiest to dictate. I turned to face him. He didn’t look at me.
“You see that guy”, He looked at the other instantaneously. “You want to kill him.”
“What?” the other said laughing running toward me now.
“you want to kill him”, I repeated pushing the thought as I waited until the last moment to sidestep the attack of the man behind me leaving him in front of my toy. I walked few step away and squatted down to enjoy the fight. My toy was attacking fiercely as if killing the other was the only thing he had thought of all his life. I had wanted to know how far my mind control powers where going and that was a good test. He was entirely mine. The other on the other end was trying to make him realize what he was doing and was refusing to fight ducking the attacks.
“What did you do to him?” He asked started to panic a little.
“I just suggested him to kill you and he seems to appreciate the idea”, I said getting up to walk toward them. They were getting tired of fighting and I was getting tired of watching.
“I’ll kill you”, the man said trying to jump on me, but this friend dug his blade on his side and he felt on the floor.

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