容疑者Xの献身 is a Japanese movie from 2008 based on the novel by 東野 圭吾 (Keigo Higashino) written in 2005.
The movie put into action physicist Yukawa who is one more time asked to help Kaoru. He has to deal with a very particular case this time as the main suspect is the neighbor of his university class mate. However there are no proof of her culpability as the trace of murder have been arranged in a very methodical and logical way. The adversary is highly formidable.
I don't like this movie as much as the serie as it is not as scientific as the rest. Detective Galileo is more absorbed by the reason of the crime and for one get disturb by emotion. I like the cold Galileo better actually, when he just solves the problem and let the disturbing questions to Kaoru.
”さっぱり分からない。実に面白い” (変人ガリレオ)
Cinema, Manga, Animation Content
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