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Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Wednesday Snippet 160: Blue Angel (MidWeekTease)

This excerpt is part of MidWeekTease, don't forget to go and check the other authors when you're done here.

Welcome to a new part of Blue Angel unedited, we start right where we left off last time.

The other stayed stunned as he walked away. Isakael wanted to run but he couldn't afford to act in any suspicious way now. He finally arrived at his bedroom door, got his key out of his jacket pocket which shacking hands and didn't believe how long it took him to get it in the locker. The key turned easily, it was as if he wouldn't even have needed one. He entered and locked the door again behind himself before putting his back on the door. His wing stuck between the door and his heavy body tried to spread on their own. It was an habit they had taken while watching how the demons' wings behaved. It was a funny feelings and a nervous smile appeared on Isakael's face. He had only been here for few hours, he had only talked to three people and he was already exhausted. Being in society was exhausting, the angels were exhausting, this world was exhausting, trying to be what everyone expected him to be was killing him slowly.
“Three days to go,” he said with a nervous laugh. He slid against the door slowly until he was completely sitting on the floor. He had sworn to never come back. He had sworn never to do that to himself again. He wondered why he was always like that, always resisting being what they wanted him to be inside while putting a face on the outside.

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Azone Doll Review: Lil'fairy Pitica 2nd series (with video)

Today I have with me Pitica, the first release in the new second series lil'fairy. Harmia and Illumie are coming next.
This time azone gave their lil'fairy's fantasy color hair matching the hair of their older sister in the limited maid series, while they are wearing the outfits from the second series. That makes for really cute doll but also for a 2 in 1 sort of series.
She comes with the outfit of the original series two. And the hair of the limited maid series. She also has her fairy bible.
I think she is super adorable and the pink hair really suit her eyes.

 Here is the video


And here are some pictures

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Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Tantalizing Tuesday 4: Witch Raising: The book of Fire

Hi guys and welcome to a new  Tantalizing Tuesday and you can find the list of participants here.

This time I'm sharing a randomly picked paragraph of Witch Raising: The book of Fire. Witch Raising is the last draft I have been working on and it turns out that it'll be a side series of the Demon series instead of just one book part of it.
Brownie closed the box. It was getting heavier. She let it fall on the bed. The lid turned open and the books started to flow out. She should have been a bit more specific. But there was so much to learn before diving into someone else's mind and so much she didn't know. 
The first time she had done it, she had been totally unprepared. She had done it under the guidance of Sahel's dark shadow which had been a foolish idea since he was evil. Thinking about it now, she realised how desperate that made her. She knew nothing about what she was doing but she had to save Sahel's life so she had taken the plunge. There was no other way or maybe there had been but none that she wanted to think about. Then she had learned more, just in case she had to do it again but in the end she still knew very little. She really could have died, she would have if Seti's sister hadn't come around to help her, they would all have died, her, Kallisto and Seti. 
It was exhilarating and frightening still, she knew she would do it again if she had to, just because she was the only one who could but also because she didn't care all that much about dying by magic. Not that she wanted to die but if she really had to..

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Sunday, March 4, 2018

Azone Doll Review: Ravi from Alvastaria

En français
Today, I have with me the most recent release in the Alvastaria Series: Ravi.
Alvastaria is a collaboration series between Azone and  Victorian Circus. You can check them on instagram. They have a lot of super adorable custom dolls.
Ravi is the last in the series so far, after Neil, Katie and Meryl. She is the journalist of the group. She has particular red eyes and white grey hair.
I like that her style is a bit different because she also has a rabbit style hat and a more grown up sort of outfit.  

Here is the video

And here are some pictures

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