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Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Doll Review: Isul Lir Nostalgia (with video)

For a while I wanted to get Isul Milk Tea and Isul Lir Nostalgia. Isul Lir Nostalgia is the last doll I needed in the Whispering Island series. There are four dolls in this series. Isul Lir and Pullip Merl, who are the blue version of the doll, then the recoloration, Isul Lir and Pullip Merl Nostalgia dressed in red.
It took me a while to get this Isul because even if he wasn't really rare at the time, I didn't manage to find it at the sample sale and somehow there was always a doll I wanted before getting him. I finally managed to order him and Milk Tea from amazon so they came with their boxes.
I'm not doing an unboxing in this video as it's a bit harder to get Isuls out of their boxes and they often need to be undressed to get all the plastic out. So I skipped that part to go directly to the review.
Isuls are always super cute and Isul Lir Nostalgia is not an exception. He has nice brown eyes, cute wavy red-brown hair and a very nice sailor type outfit. 

Here is the video:

And here are some pictures:

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Wednesday Snippet: Demon World 123

Welcome to a new part of Demon World unedited, we start right where we left off last time.

“He doesn’t need you where he is going” a voice said behind him.
Azazel turned around slowly, he knew it was that shadow again and that was the last thing he wanted to talk with.
“How do you know that?” he said forcing himself to be polite even if it was hard to hide his impatience. He was still a bit wondering what this shadow was.
“Because he is doing the same mistake he had been doing for centuries and centuries and if you go there with him he would maybe have a chance of survival this time”, the dark shadow answered.
“So what did you say that he doesn’t need me? Where is he?” Azazel answered.
“Do you care this much?” the dark shadow answered. If his facing expression was readable in the darkness of his shape you could have noticed he was smirking.
“Whatever?” Azazel said running out of the room.
Sahel was nowhere to be seen, he walked out of the library and down the stairs to the only other place of the house where it was possible to find someone who might know where Sahel had disappeared.
“You’re slow”, the dark shadow said as he entered Viorel’s room without even bothering to knock at the door.
“I don’t cross through walls”, Azazel answered “Where is he?”
“Where is who?” Viorel said looking at him puzzled. He was still working on the formula with Gideon.
“Sahel, who else?” Azazel answered.
“I don’t know”, the vampire answered.

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Tuesday, May 16, 2017

11/365 Whispering Island

I made a review for Isul Lir Nostalgia with a photo session for him and the other dolls in the series since now the series is complete.
I'm really happy to have all four of them. I thing they look really good when they are together. I used my see background as I think they look like a team of sailor from another time.

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Monday, May 15, 2017

Vlog #68 Day Trip To Nagano: Orchard and Onsen (with video)

We went to Nagano for the first time. We visited the Kamihira Orchard and learned about growing apples and we went to an onsen in the mountain. Nagano is famous for the winter olympic a few years back but also for apples. There are apple trees everywhere around. We drived to the Kurokawa river to go to the onsen.
Of course I has a doll with me for pictures and Hibarichan.

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