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Thursday, August 29, 2024

Thursday Fiction 440: Parallel Slip 2: Rebel

Welcome back to a new Thursday Fiction, it's been a while. We continue with Parallel Slip 2: Rebel where we left of last time, following Isabelle as she figure out who she really is.

Now, she wasn't sure. Maybe Malik was right and she should have listen to her mother, maybe leaving with Romulus was a bad idea. She put her plate down and sipped a bit more of the ginger ale. She was so confused, whatever people kept telling her was always a lot different than what she perceived or could think by herself. 

Romulus had said that she needed to trust herself first and she didn't feel like she was good at that. 

What was there to trust in herself when most of what she believed was always wrong or apparently never happened?

For the most part of her life she had grown up believing that her mother new better. If she was teased at school, she was making it up and it was all in her head. She remembered other girls laughing at her but her mother always told her that it was all in her head, that those girls were nice girls and that she was the bad kid for saying bad things about them.


You can now find all the Snippets of Parallel Slip 2: Rebel on this blog right here.


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Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Wednesday Snippet 442: Fairy World 83

Welcome back to Wednesday Snippet. This week, we continue with Fairy World unedited just where we left off last week

"Cinnamon," Brownie called. "Cinnamon, I need some help in here."

In the real world, she couldn't see the pixie, unless they were trapped. It had something to do with her eyes not being fast enough, but in here, she hoped her perception would be slightly different.

"Cinnamon, Gentiane," She called again.

Those were the only two she knew by name. Cinnamon she had never seen but she was the nice helpful one. Gentiane was a pain, literally and she would probably be mad at Brownie for being in here in the first place but Brownie didn't care so much she needed something random and unique to figure out in which direction to walk. She couldn't stay here much longer. Even in someone else's mind being outside with a coming storm was not a good idea.

"Girls come on! Kallisto needs you!"

She turned around, but there was nothing in sight. The clouds came from all direction. Brownie started to walk, there was no point staying there even if there was no point to walk either. She wondered what she had done wrong. Where was the corridor with the different rooms filled with Kallisto's memories where she was supposed to find her hiding?


You can now find all the Snippets of Fairy World on this blog right here.


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Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Tuesday Travel 238: Witch Raising: The Book of Earth 85

Welcome to Tuesday Travel. This week we are following Brownie on her journey as she is going toward the second element: Earth.

About Witch Raising.

Witch Raising is a new series with Brownie, the heroine of Demon Soul as the main character. This series is part of the House at the Crossing Series and follows Demon Soul and Demon and Fairy but instead of being centered on the adventure of Sahel and his demon friends, it follows Brownie as she goes from being a normal girl to a bad ass witch. She has been practicing magick for a while now, saving people from difficult situations but the people at the house, including Sahel aren't happy with her new calling. Feeling that she doesn't have a choice and has to keep learning witchcraft, Brownie leaves to meet other witches.

The excerpt starts right where we left off last week.


He wasn't afraid and that wasn't good. Brownie was sure he was intelligent enough to notice that the wings weren't a costume because a costume wouldn't be able to make the demon fly. But she didn't have time to keep going with her reflection. The demon hit the window horn first. The wagon shook but the window didn't shatter.

“What are we going to do?” Daphy whispered.

She was scared and finally Henry was scared too. “Girls you have to come with us,” he said as Oscar pulled him back toward the wagon where they came from.

“They can't be seen,” Oscar said looking at Brownie who nodded. “We are putting them in danger by staying here.”

You can now find all the Snippets of Witch Raising: The Book of Earth on this blog right here.

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Monday, August 26, 2024

Mystery Monday 235: Murder at the Conference 132

Hello mystery lovers and welcome to a new Mystery Monday.
I hope you had a great week-end. Here is a new little part of Murder at the Conference. Murder at the Conference is a stand alone sequel to Harajuku Kiss.   

We start right were we left off last week:


“Funny how you didn't get a panic attack last night when that guy called you a nuisance.”

“It was a joke.”

She shrugged her shoulders and moved away to serve herself some coffee.

I didn't bother with her anymore and went for some toasts and eggs instead. They even had scones which was a nice surprise, I hadn't had scones in years, not since I left the UK at least.

We all sat at our supervisor's table. He was having some soup which didn't smell too good and had already finished his fish. Christa was having a coffee only. The student, I forgot his name again, how terrible of me, was having a lot of rice with some fish including the eyes and the dead animal seemed to look at me from the other side like asking for help. It was sort of gross. Seiji had tried to have me eat fish for breakfast once. No need to explain how well that didn't go. Me, I had decided to get something huge, just in case lunch wasn't anywhere near. And I needed to make sure to follow most of the talks. This was really too early.

You can now find all the Snippets of Murder at the Conference on this blog all together right here.

About Harajuku Kiss

At times, life can be so depressing. She is walking her usual recovery tour in Harajuku, finishing with a crepe, tying to forget that her boyfriend dumped her once again for the week-end... When the unthinkable happens... A boy stops in front of her in the street and kisses her, in to discover more about him, she is dragged into a dangerous game of mystery. A biologist has been murdered and a deadly virus is on the loose. First suspect: the mysterious Harajuku's stranger. 

Get Harajuku Kiss 


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