Welcome back to Wednesday Snippet. This week, we continue with Fairy World unedited just where we left off last week.
"You need a lot more than that for the world to fall apart, trust me on that one. But yes, you can sit back and relax, why not? That's the reason why you didn't go to the Fairy World in the first place."
"Everything to find
that Kelpie," Evalynn answered shaking her head.
"It seems that people in this house can't be at rest until every single one of them is in a safe place, and this includes you. It's a nice feeling isn't it, knowing they have your back no matter what and no matter which crazy place you got yourself into."
Evalynn considered what the vampire said for a moment but it didn't hit home. There was nobody having her back, only Azazel could be partially trusted. They didn't go to the Fairy World because they had Kelpie's back, they just wanted to enjoy themselves in a place where there would be no real consequences.
You can now find all the Snippets of Fairy World on this blog right here.
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